80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2681: DIY success

"There are specialties in the art industry. No matter how good DIY is, it is not a professional cosmetics company. Baby, your cosmetics are all made to order, absolutely natural, non-toxic and easy to use..."

Yan Mingshun reminded his daughter-in-law that seeing her like this, she knew that the origin of cosmetics was confused!

Meimei blinked and suddenly came back to her senses, isn't it? Her cosmetics, Ren Qianqian, are hundreds of times more shoddy. Please Baidu search (Pinshu.com) to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel!

"But I said it all at Qian Qian, saying that you can do everything except not have children!" She lowered her head with a guilty conscience. She seemed to be doing this inappropriately, but it wasn't that her head became hot for a while. Well!

Yan Mingshun pinched Meimei's nose angrily, "Why don't you say that I can even give birth to a child!"

I've never seen this goblin ever smarter, and he's a fool every day!

There is also that Ren Qianqian, a bit of rouge gouache is also worth showing off, with shallow eyelids, what's so difficult about that thing, he doesn't have time, he really wants to DIY it, and Ren Qianqian's husband must do better!

Meimei shrugged and muttered, "You can't give birth... I can't open my eyes and talk nonsense!"

"Aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open? There are so many things I don't know. Even if you are a god, you have to divide the labor. Your husband is not as capable as a god!"

Yan Mingshun couldn't help but pinched his nose again. Lele didn't make people worry. In a few years, Lele probably won't have to worry about him anymore, and he can focus on raising this big girl!

"I don't care... I've been bragging about it, you have to make it up for me, otherwise I'll lose face... Brother... Husband... Kiss my husband..."

Brows wrapped around Yan Mingshun's arm and kept acting like a spoiled child, shouting out all the nasty names, scenes of bitterness and beauties... She didn't believe in Yan Mingshun and couldn't care less!

Yan Mingshun's mouth was dry, his eyes became deeper, his hands became more powerful, and he lowered his voice, "That depends on your performance... My ability is as good as yours..."

"Brother...you are so nice..."

Meimei suddenly smiled, she knew that acting like a spoiled child would definitely work, and a man would do it!

"Anyway, I won't let you lose your share in front of your friends...Shh...Stop talking, just concentrate...Otherwise, I can't guarantee the success of DIY..." Yan Mingshun threatened aboveboard, his brows so frightened that he didn't dare to move. , let it do whatever it wants.

After a rain of Wushan, I was trampled on red waves...

It's still winter outside, but it's sunny inside.

These days, in order to please the Chief Yan, he worked hard and never went on strike or cut corners.

I am happy to eat meat, but I still have to do my work. Yan Mingshun has not been idle these days. He is thinking about DIY.

Finally... Yan Mingshun came up with a good idea, and he took it to DIY one hour after reading a book late. He is a person who pursues the ultimate in everything. Since he is ready to do it, he naturally has to do his best.

Yan Mingshun's speed is still quite fast. The first finished product came out very quickly. He quickly took it to Meimei to present a treasure. Not to mention, this kind of DIY gift for his daughter-in-law is really good, especially watching When the daughter-in-law received the gift, she showed a happy and happy smile, that kind of achievement is unparalleled!

Ren Qianqian's husband, although not very good-looking, has a really good mind to coax women!

"Do you like it?" Yan Mingshun looked dotingly at his daughter-in-law who was overly surprised and dumbfounded, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

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