80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2689: cornered

"Have cancer? When did you tell me about it? Could it be that I checked it wrong..."

Sister Niu asked a series of questions, she couldn't believe her ears at all, Yuexiang was only twenty-four years old, how did she get cancer at such a young age?

There must be a mistake, this kind of oolong thing, doesn't it happen often in the hospital!

"That's right, I went to two hospitals to check, and they all said that I had advanced gastric cancer, and they said I didn't need surgery..." Yuexiang looked at the daughter in her arms reluctantly. This was the only thing she couldn't give up, but she could The time to be with her daughter has already entered the countdown. Mobile terminal

"Then check carefully, both hospitals may have made a mistake... Besides, don't be afraid if it's true. Now that medicine is developed, cancer is not incurable..."

Sister Niu is very sympathetic to Yuexiang and wants to help this poor woman.

Yuexiang shook her head, "Thank you eldest sister... I'm a murderer now, and it's pointless to investigate.

What if it was found out that it wasn't cancer, she still couldn't stop her death!

"That kind of beast is worthless, don't worry, I will find a powerful lawyer for you. You don't need to pay for your life. You can't give up easily for your daughter. No matter how good others are, how can you have a mother!" Ren Qianqian encouraged.

Yuexiang looked at her gratefully and murmured, "But I don't have money...I can't afford to see a doctor, and I can't afford a lawyer..."

She found out that her body was wrong very early, but she didn't have any money in her body, so she kept dragging it. It was Sister Niu who gave her some money. She couldn't stand the pain, so she went to the hospital for examination, but it was found to be stomach cancer. late.

At that time, when she saw the doctor's expression, she knew that she was helpless.

It was also at that time that she had murderous intentions towards her husband!

Her nan nan... an orphan, it is much better to have such a beast father!

Ren Qianqian said loudly, "I'm rich...don't worry...Since we met by fate, I'll hire a lawyer for you. Now go to the hospital for a check-up!"

Meimei glanced at her angrily, "I'll call the Public Security Bureau first. After all, it's a life, so let's try to surrender and deal with it leniently. The hospital will wait for the Public Security Bureau to fix it before going to the hospital. There's no rush at this time."

Yuexiang said sadly: "I made a plan to lose my life when I started, but I just suffered for my nan nan..."

Sister Niu, who had been wanting to talk but couldn't get in, looked anxious, but she had seized the opportunity and said loudly: "Let me say first, that **** is not dead, he is out of danger, and he doesn't need to lose his life!"

After speaking, Big Sister Niu let out a long sigh of relief, Ouch Mom... It's almost like she was choked to death by letting her speak!

Meimei was overjoyed, it was easy to deal with her death, Yuexiang has been in domestic violence for a long time, her murder can be said to be justifiable defense, no matter how serious it is, it is just excessive defense.

"I'm asking you... do you do it first or your husband do it first?" Meimei asked solemnly.

Yuexiang was stunned for a moment, and said, "He wants to go out with Nannan, I'll go grab Nannan, he hit me...I took a knife and cut him..."

Sister Niu walked over and lifted up Yuexiang's dry hair. It was obvious that there was a large piece of hair that was very short and was newly grown.

"That beast went to death, look at this opening, more than 30 stitches were stitched, and she almost died... and the number of injuries on her body is countless. It is common for cigarette butts to be hot, punching and kicking, and her ribs are broken. Several times... I think your stomach cancer must have been beaten by this beast..."

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