80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2880: Search notices

Meimei was so frightened that she hid behind Yan Mingshun, her voice trembling, "Is it...no...ghost...ah...Did Xiaozhu and Haohao see a ghost?"

Yan Mingshun patted her back gently, "Don't be afraid, even if there are ghosts, they won't come out during the day."

The brows were relieved, and yes, the sky is bright and the sun is shining, no matter how powerful a ghost can come out, but—

"Come out during the day..." Nao Nao said.

He had seen it several times during the day, but those people were very busy and ignored him, so he didn't bother to join in the fun.

Meimei grabbed Yan Mingshun hard, and it felt even colder, especially on the neck, the hair was standing on end, and the wind was pervasive, making her shiver.

As long as she thinks that she has been living with a group of ghosts from morning to night, her heart is pierced. Maybe while eating, a hanged ghost is sticking out her tongue at her, while sleeping, a drowning ghost drips water beside the bed... …

There are also people who jumped to death, were hit by a car... All kinds of ghosts were gathered at her house.

"Mom is a coward!" Noisy glanced contemptuously, what's there to be afraid of.


Lele slapped Nao Nao's head hard with a slap, it was crisp, it was definitely her sister.

"Don't say mom... Let's beat you to death!" Lele put her hands on her hips, quite like a big sister.

Noisily flattened his mouth, and his sister's fists were so powerful that he couldn't beat him... I'll just say it in my heart in the future.

"Mom is just because she's stupid and timid, so we have to protect her, do you understand?" Lele said earnestly.

Originally moved to bad eyebrows, but now the mood is indescribable.

Can't the stinky girl talk behind her back?

Yan Mingshun looked amused, patted his daughter-in-law comfortingly, and said, "Someone should be able to explain Xiaozhu's situation clearly."


"Li Mengchen." Yan Mingshun said his personal name.

Her brows and eyes lit up, how could she forget this guy, "Hurry up and find him, I can't feel at ease until I find out why the pig is sleepy."

The most important thing is to make sure that the family is not a group of ghosts, this is the most important thing.

"This guy's whereabouts are uncertain. I haven't heard from him for several years. I'll send someone to look for him." Yan Mingshun frowned.

Since Li Mengchen got the spirit pills from him, it seemed as if it had evaporated in the world, and there was no news. If he hadn't known about Li Mengchen's ability, Yan Mingshun would have thought that this guy was dead.

"Did he go out without a mobile phone?" Meimei was puzzled.

"He doesn't have a cell phone, not even a pager."

Yan Mingshun twitched the corners of his mouth. That guy never used communication tools. If he could, he would assemble one by himself anytime, anywhere. He even wondered, is this guy still on Earth?

A week later, the men who were dispatched to find someone called one after another, but the result was the same, and there was no news from Li Mengchen.

"Boss... I guess he may be dead~www.readwn.com~ A subordinate is very sure.

If not dead, how can there be no news?

"The scourge is stinking for thousands of years, this guy won't die so easily..." Yan Mingshun thought about it for a while, and when he had an idea, he asked his subordinates to do it according to his requirements.

He didn't go to Li Mengchen, and let the fan come to him on his own initiative.

The next day, the headlines of newspapers all over the country carried the same missing person notice, with only one sentence -

"After six years of separation, I miss it very much. I have developed new dishes. The food is like a fairy. If you want to eat it, you can call 135****8888."

People all over the country are at a loss, saying that it is a notice of missing people, but there is no photo, no name, height, age, fat or thin, only know that it is called Mengchen, and it is strange if you can find it!


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