80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2885: Genius is always alone

Seeing Meimei was frightened to death, Li Mengchen smiled smugly, but he didn't stay complacent for long, and was dismantled by Yan Mingshun, staring angrily.

Yan Mingshun asked directly: "Can you also enter the parallel space?"

"Of course, I entered those spaces when I was very young and learned a lot." Li Mengchen had nostalgia on his face.

When he was a child, he was in the same state as Xiaozhu, and he didn't get enough sleep every day, but he was not as lucky as Xiaozhu. He had parents who loved him, and a loving family. He could sleep carefree without worrying about someone behind you.

Therefore, he ran away from home when he was very young, and simply ran into the desolate and uninhabited mountains. The sky was the quilt, the ground was the bed, the plants and flowers and dew could replenish energy, and the beasts and poisonous insects were his guards.

It was like this when he was ten years old, and he was strong enough to be fearless of anyone in the family, so he went home and started his game life.

That's why... when he saw the little pig who lived a comfortable life, he couldn't hold back his jealousy...

"Then when did you live a normal life?" Meimei asked with concern.

Of course it is a good thing to learn something while sleeping, but you can't sleep like this every day, you have to live a normal life!

"As you get older, your sleep time will gradually decrease. Don't worry about him before the age of ten, just make sure to exercise for one to two hours a day." Li Mengchen added another hour maliciously.

Yan Mingshun and Meimei were humbly taught, but they did not see through Li Mengchen's intentions.

Meimeixin increased the little pig's exercise time to two hours. As long as her son's health is good, she always chooses more and less, one to two hours...don't even think about it, it must be two.

"Why can my eldest son see parallel space, but he is not sleepy?" Meimei asked curiously.

Li Mengchen glanced at the troubled sister and brother, and said indifferently: "He can't enter the parallel space. So far, there are very few people who can enter the parallel space."

He studied the extraordinary men of the era through the ages, with generally negligible achievements, focusing on two people - the theoretician Einstein and the scientific giant Nikolai.

He has never met the two of them, but his intuition should be the same, especially the latter Nikolai, the father of alternating current, who has been vilified and underestimated, is known as the terrifying genius of aliens, until now, the United States FBi also classifies his research manuscript as top secret.

Nikolai once said: I can split the world, but I will never do it.

His contemporaries thought he was talking crazy, but the 1908 Tunguska explosion in Russia~www.readwn.com~ proved that Nikolai was not joking, he really had the ability to destroy the earth.

Therefore, people today should thank Nikolai for his kindness to the world, otherwise the history of mankind will probably enter a fault.

Yan Mingshun probably understood what Li Mengchen meant. People who can enter the parallel space should be people with terrifying IQs. Although Nao Nao is very smart, he is not yet terrifying, so he can only see, but cannot. Enter.

But he felt that it was happier like making trouble.

Sometimes, looking too far is actually not a good thing, geniuses are often lonely.

As a father, he only wants his son to be happy, genius or not really doesn't matter.

Knowing what happened, Yan Mingshun relaxed and looked at Li Mengchen. This guy hasn't shown up for six years, and he doesn't know what he's doing!

"Where have you been for the past six years?" Yan Mingshun asked curiously.

Li Mengchen said with a smile: "Pick up a girl!"

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