80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2887: Walking in the dream

Yan Mingshun finally figured it out. No wonder Li Mengchen came to the door every other month, thinking that he was taking care of his pregnant wife?

Li Mengchen... Walking in the world in a dream!

This guy lied to everyone!

"Which daughter does Mrs. Ling have?" Yan Mingshun was rarely interested in gossip, and he really wanted to know who the woman who could surrender Li Mengchen would be.

With tenderness in his eyes, Li Mengchen smiled and said, "It's not an aristocratic family, you don't know him."

Yan Mingshun understood as soon as he heard it, it must be a girl from an ordinary door, this girl must be very good, otherwise how could it be possible to accept Li Mengchen?

"Your elders agree?"

Li Mengchen snorted and said proudly: "The old man has to rely on my medicine to continue his life now, so I dare not disagree."

The Li family is now entirely up to him. If he didn't want to take over the position of the head of the family too early, he would have stopped the old man's medicine. Now it is good. He is in the remote command behind the scenes, and the old man is responsible for offending people. He was secretly laughing behind his back.

Who made this family feel sorry for him!

"Have you researched elixir?" Yan Mingshun didn't quite believe it. Those elixir were real elixir. Although they were diluted dozens of times, it was still difficult to analyze the ingredients. He tried many times without success. , Li Mengchen really has such great ability?

Li Mengchen was very proud, "Of course, there is nothing in this world that I can't fix."

In fact, he was a little empty in his heart. Although he analyzed the ingredients of the elixir, he could not find an identical substitute. He even suspected that Yan Mingshun's elixir was not a product of the earth.

Because he analyzed all the creatures that can be found on the earth, none of them are exactly the same, but he found some medicinal materials with similar ingredients.

So... Li Mengchen boldly used those similar medicinal materials instead, and got the pills he is taking for the old man. Although the efficacy of the medicines is not as good as that of the elixir given by Yan Mingshun, it is at least much stronger than the pills prescribed by quack doctors. At least hanging the old man's life, half-dead is better than dying.

In order to repay Li Mengchen, Yan Mingshun had to give him another bottle of medicine, otherwise this guy would definitely not give up.

Meimei said deliberately, "Didn't you already research it? Why do you still need my medicine?"

Li Mengchen looked at her meaningfully, then glanced at Qiuqiu, who was lying on the ceiling fan, and said, "I don't think there are too many good things, and of course, the more treasures like this, the better."

Meimei's heart skipped a beat, not daring to meet Li Mengchen's deep eyes, she hurriedly turned her head away, and stopped talking.

Did this guy see something special about Ball?

Otherwise, how can you say that the pills are 'Tianwaibao'?

Yan Mingshun did not change his face, and said with a smile: "The benefits are paid to you, when are you leaving?"

Li Mengchen sat in a golden position~www.readwn.com~ It is a rare visit, I will stay for a few more days, and ask your wife to arrange a room for me. The room must face the sun, and I want the first ray of morning light in the morning Wake up under the light of the sun, must have a two-meter bed, I like to roll when I sleep,

Also, the bedding is always white. Don't disturb me before ten in the morning. At half past ten for breakfast, I will prepare a plate of donkey rolls, two half-cooked omelettes, and a glass of warm milk without fishy smell. "

Meimei's eyes were blurred, and she couldn't help protesting: "There is nothing, either sleep in a ready-made guest room, or go back to your own home to sleep."

A big man is more particular about being sick than a princess, sick!

Li Mengchen snorted coldly, "Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge... In the future, don't come to Lao Tzu if you have something to do..."

"I'm going to prepare it for you now, so you'll be satisfied!" Meimei immediately smiled and turned to decorate the guest room.

For her son... she endures! (https:)

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