80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2894: wedding (3)

Meimei ran out to see the wedding dress, but saw a helicopter hovering in the sky, and the neighbors near Zhao's house ran out to watch the excitement, pointing to the sky and talking loudly.

But there was no place for the Zhao family to stop, the helicopter could only hover in the sky, watching with a smile on his face, but to see how Yan Mingshun came out to pick up the person.

The helicopter dropped a ladder, and Yan Mingshun, who was wearing a military uniform, walked out of the cabin door and climbed down the ladder. When he was still one floor above the ground, he jumped and easily landed on the ground. When he looked up, he saw Meimei, who was wearing a wedding dress, smiled at him.

Yan Mingshun was stunned for a moment. He knew that her eyebrows were beautiful, and she had been beautiful since she was a child, but she never thought that she would be so beautiful in a wedding dress.

His heart skipped a beat, he walked over quickly, grabbed Meimei's hand tightly, and felt the temperature of his palm, which made him feel at ease.

"You are so beautiful today!" Yan Mingshun praised sincerely.

Meimei was extremely happy, but she snorted deliberately, "You mean I wasn't beautiful before?"

"Of course not, it's just so beautiful today!"

Meimei smiled and raised her eyes to look at Yan Mingshun affectionately. From her direction, she could only see the side face, still so handsome, and there was still the shadow of the cold boy holding the basketball back then.

She never imagined that she just called out 'Brother Mingshun' and it was a lifetime!

"Why didn't you back me at that time?" Meimei suddenly counted the old accounts.

Yan Mingshun didn't react for a while, and it took a long while to think of what she was talking about. He couldn't help laughing, and said calmly, "I didn't know each other at that time, and I usually don't talk to women I don't know well."


Meimei snorted, but couldn't help but laugh.

Yan Mingshun and Meimei said goodbye to Zhao Yinghua and his wife together, and were about to board the plane to leave. The helicopter was still circling overhead. Yan Mingshun whispered, "Hold me tight!"

Meimei hugged his neck obediently, Yan Mingshun supported her waist with one hand, and with a slight jump, he supported the ladder, and the two climbed onto the helicopter.

Zhao Xuelin watched the helicopter go away, and couldn't help complaining, "How far is it from the hotel, what if it takes so much effort, what if I fall on my eyebrows?"

"The hotel's opening time is twelve o'clock, so it's still early!" Yi Hui said.

"Then why did he take over so early?" Zhao Xuelin was very strange.

Yan Xinya smiled and explained, "I'm not too sure, but Ming Shun said he wanted to give us a surprise, and also said that a car would come to pick us up later."

Zhao Xuelin raised his wrist to look at his watch. It was 10:20, but he wanted to see what Yan Mingshun was doing.

Meimei was sitting on the plane, only she, Yan Mingshun, and the three pilots were on the plane~www.readwn.com~ And the direction of the plane was getting more and more deviated from the city, like going to the suburbs.

"Aren't we going to the hotel?"

Yan Mingshun patted her hand and said with a smile, "Go to another place first, it will be there soon."

The helicopter landed on a huge lawn, and before Meimei got off the plane, she saw the three Lele brothers and sisters running towards her, and the little pig who was still sleeping, led by Lele and wearing a small suit, Wearing a bow tie, very spirited.

"Xiaobao is here too... It's great!" Meimei saw Xiaobao in the same suit and leather shoes. The child was eight years old, and his temperament became more and more refined. He also walked over to Meimei.

"Auntie (Mom)... Happy Newlyweds!"

The four little flower girls congratulated in unison, their eyebrows bent down, and they kissed everyone's face, but there was fog in their eyes.

Happy to the extreme... In fact, there will be tears. (https:)

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