80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2901: Father and daughter fight for man

"Why not? Dad, don't you like brother Xiaobao very much?" Lele protested dissatisfied.

She never thought that the number one obstacle to her happy life in the future would be her own father!

"Like Ning Xiaobao and being my son-in-law are two different things. In short, you can't marry Ning Xiaobao!" Yan Mingshun's expression was very serious, and the atmosphere at the table suddenly became serious.

Over the years, he has defended from left to right, but he still failed to defend against it. Lele, this dead girl, has given up on Ning Xiaobao's child. Fortunately, he had given Ning Xiaobao a vaccination, and the child had already assured him. , will never further develop with Lele, this life is just a brother and sister relationship.

There is no problem with the character of this child, Xiaobao. Speaking of which, this child is good in everything. It is more than enough to be his son-in-law, but—

His blood is not clean!

He would never let Lele marry an evil seed!

Even though Ning Chenxuan had been dead for so many years, he would still feel disgusted as long as he thought about the dirty things of the Ning family. Little Treasure was bleeding from that family's filthy blood, so how could he marry his daughter?

He would rather Ke Lele not marry in his whole life, and can't marry Xiaobao!

Lele became anxious and roared, "Why don't you allow me to marry? I'm free to love now. Dad has no right to interfere in my love. Anyway, I'm going to marry brother Xiaobao."

Except for Ning Xiaobao, she doesn't despise any male animal.


Yan Mingshun slammed his chopsticks on the table heavily, and everyone's heart skipped a beat. They looked at the father and daughter with a headache. They were both stubborn.

"Just because you are my daughter and I am your father, I have the right to interfere with your marriage partner. I will say it again for the last time, Ning Xiaobao cannot marry. If you are obsessed, don't blame me for being rude!" Yan Mingshun is cold Looking at her daughter coldly, she was in a very bad mood.

He never imagined that one day he and his daughter would quarrel because of a man!

This scene seems familiar...

It's as if you've ever experienced it!

Lele's eyes blushed, and she snarled with her neck stuck, "If you dare to hurt Brother Xiaobao, I'll be with you all the time!"

"Your wings are hard, aren't you? Treat your father as an enemy for an outsider?"

Yan Mingshun's anger is broken, what's the point, dare to challenge him for the sake of a stinky man?

The battle situation is getting more and more intense, and it has reached the point of white-hot. Meimei stood up and said angrily: "Shut up for me, don't eat or sleep, don't talk when you eat, and there are no rules."

Lele said aggrieved: "Dad is unreasonable..."

"Shut up... Didn't you hear me? Go back to your own room if you don't want to eat!" Meimei scolded sharply~www.readwn.com~ There was no wink at all, I didn't even look at Laozi's face, and he was not afraid to die. Touch the tiger's whiskers.

Only at this moment did Lele feel the chill of Yan Mingshun's body, and she shivered with fright. Now her father is so terrifying, as if he is going to kill someone!

Isn't she just wanting to marry brother Xiaobao, as for how angry she is?

To tell the truth, she didn't go to the lala, she should thank God and laugh in the sky!

God knows that since junior high school, she did not know how many love letters she received from girls every day, and she could receive countless winks when she went to the toilet. She was able to resist the temptation of beautiful women. So far, she has been deeply in love with brother Xiaobao, and she admires herself. height!

Her father still doesn't support her at all, and annoys her, she's really messed up! (https:)

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