80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2914: beautiful misunderstanding

?In Xiaobao's impression, Lele has always been the cute little sister. Since she is a little sister, she is naturally beautiful and charming... These words are irrelevant.

Even if sister Lele was a little fat when she was a child, she was a little strong and a little savage...

But in Xiaobao's heart, sister Lele has always been the cutest, not one but the only one.

But now...

Xiaobao suddenly found out that he thought wrong, Lele can also be very charming!

If you can walk a little more, your waist can be softer...it should be more feminine.

"Brother Xiaobao..." Lele saw Xiaobao leaning on the car from a distance and ran over happily. Although she was wearing a long skirt, she didn't wear high heels, but only a pair of hundred Small white shoes.

Let Yan Lele wear high heels instead of stomping her feet.

She has never worn that thing since she was a child, and she has a height of 176 cm. If she wears high heels, it is estimated that she can instantly kill the height of most men.

For the sake of the self-esteem of the majority of male compatriots, Lele kindly refused high heels.

Xiaobao chuckled lightly and praised: "Today is very beautiful!"

Lele was so happy, her eyes were shining, she patted her uncomfortable cheek. Just now, Yang Shanshan applied powder, blush, and eye shadow to her, saying that it would make her more feminine. taste.

She didn't believe it at first, but after listening to Brother Xiaobao's words, Lele decided to go back and give the fox a lipstick and let her teach herself makeup.

"I've put on makeup, isn't it the same as before?" Lele looked at Xiaobao hopefully, a little uneasy.

"It's more beautiful, of course... Sister Lele was also very beautiful before." Xiaobao said with a smile.

Lele smiled brightly, and she became more determined to learn makeup. She followed Yang Shanshan in school and learned from Bao Rina when she got home. Although it was troublesome, she would persevere for the sake of Xiao Bao.

"You call me Lele, you are not allowed to call me my sister in the future!" Lele corrected seriously.

Since Brother Xiaobao couldn't get his head back for a while, she would take the trouble to straighten it up.

Xiaobao sighed helplessly and did not argue. The elite men he arranged for tonight are quite good. He received a doctorate in the United States and worked in a famous large hospital in the United States for three years. As soon as he returned to China, he was given a heavy responsibility and has a bright future. .

And this man is also an athlete. He usually goes climbing and swimming during the holidays, and also has a private jet driver's license... I believe Lele will get along well with this man.

"Brother Xiaobao~www.readwn.com~Where do we go to eat?" Lele was very excited.

Today is her first date with brother Xiaobao!

A very important day, she has to remember it, and it will be commemorated every year in the future.

"It's almost here. It's a newly opened French restaurant. The atmosphere there is very good. You will definitely like it." Xiaobao said with a smile, and the dining place was also carefully selected by him.

Moreover, he also contracted the restaurant and found a professional band to serve only Lele and the two of them. I believe that in the romantic music, facing handsome and excellent elite men, Lele's sister will definitely be loved by her. Impressed!

Lele's eyes lit up, the French restaurant... Brother Xiaobao really has good intentions!

After a romantic dinner, is she going to have an affectionate French kiss with Brother Xiaobao?

Did she take the initiative to kiss, or did she wait for Brother Xiaobao to kiss?

Lele is a little confused...

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