80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2917: 10 seeds

Lele stood at the door of the restaurant and looked around, and soon found a familiar car in the distance. She strode over to Xiaobao, bringing a murderous demon wind!

Little Treasure's heart jumped up, anxious, and he stretched out his hand and made a few weird gestures out of the car window. After a while, a group of chirping sparrows flew over, blocking Lele in front of him.

"Ning Xiaobao, you give me this trick again!"

Lele was furious, these sparrows must be the cover that Ning Xiaobao brought, and she knew that she would not kill, and there was nothing she could do with these small animals, and sure enough... When the sparrows dispersed, Xiaobao's car was gone.

"Wait for me!" Lele pinched the branches hanging down from his head in anger.

Ning Xiaobao can hide for a while, but can't hide for a lifetime. Since the capital is so big, she will always find out.

Xiaobao, who escaped the catastrophe, breathed a sigh of relief, turned on the autopilot function, leaned back in the seat, and closed his eyes.

Is Lele really ignoring emotional issues for the time being, or does he despise Gu Feiran?

Does he want to introduce good men later?

Alas... so confusing!

Xiaobao's car was getting farther and farther from the city, and stopped at the foot of a lush mountain. He parked the car and walked up the mountain slowly. From time to time, naughty lizards flicked their tails in front of them, or a few squirrels dropped pine nuts. Chong Xiaobao screamed.

"I'm not in the mood to play today, I'm going back to think about major issues."

Little Treasure grabbed a melon seed and sprinkled it on the ground. The squirrel jumped down, picked up the melon seed and stuffed it into his mouth, his cheeks bulging.


Xiaobao waved his hand and walked up the mountain. He knew that Lele would look for him everywhere, so he didn't live in the city, but chose to live in a temple on the mountain. He has some friendship with the abbot here.

Lele went home in a hurry. Now he's in a bad mood, it's safer to go home and live.

Otherwise, she was afraid that she would lose her temper and break the necks of several coquettish **** who had been unpleasant in the dormitory all this time!

Meimei's eyes lit up when she saw her new-looking daughter, and she praised: "It looks good in this way, I'll say girls have to wear makeup. Is there enough makeup? Not enough for my mother to buy you new ones."


Lele was not in the mood to chat with her mother and grown-up, so she found a bunch of food from the kitchen and prepared to go back to the room.

"You haven't eaten yet? Mom will make some for you!" Meimei looked at her daughter with concern, looking at the sullen one, was she wronged?

Meimei quickly denied it. It would be good for her daughter not to bully others. Who can give her grievances?

"No, it's not enough for me to eat jerky again!" Lele said in a muffled voice, and went upstairs without raising her head.

Yan Mingshun happened to go downstairs and was very dissatisfied with Lele's attitude. He shouted, "Why did you talk to your mother?"

"Aiya... Where are there so many rules at home~www.readwn.com~ Lele, go back to the house to eat, if it's not enough, just tell your mother that she will cook something delicious for you." Meimei glared at Yan Mingshun, not saying It can be seen that the girl is in a bad mood, and she has no vision at all.

Lele hummed and went upstairs with his head down. Yan Mingshun patted his forehead and stopped Lele, "I have something to do at home this weekend, don't go outside to play!"

"What's the matter? Does it matter?" Lele asked.

She also plans to find Ning Xiaobao's place on the weekend!

"Of course it matters, you just need to go home when the time comes." Yan Mingshun said righteously.

"Oh!" Lele didn't dare to resist, so he had to agree.

After finishing her father's affairs, she will go to Ning Xiaobao to settle accounts.

When Lele returned to the room, Meimei whispered what was going on, Yan Mingshun smiled mysteriously, and said confidently, "You will know by the weekend!"

He has carefully selected more than a dozen excellent seed players, all of whom are the best in height, personality, and ability, and his daughter will definitely be dazzled!

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