80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2920: duel

? Yan Mingshun's face turned dark all of a sudden, how dare he declare war on him?

Meimei was startled and scolded: "Lele, how did you talk to your father?"

Lele said angrily: "I want to have a good talk with him, but has he respected me? He didn't even ask me, so he brought ten men home for me to pick, and what did he take me for? I'm not the Princess of Peace. , I don't even want to raise a face!"

pissed her off...

Everyone is self-righteous, Xiaobao is like this, so is Dad, do you think of her as a wooden person?

Brother Bing is silent... The head daughter's temper seems to be a little... uh... not very gentle.

"What is the face head?" A rookie asked for advice in a low voice.

The old bird whispered to popularize common sense, "A man marries a few wives to be a concubine, and a woman marries a few men to raise his face."

The rookie suddenly realized and fell silent... Then he suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Reporting to the head, my family has been passed down for three generations, I have the arduous task of inheriting the lineage, and I can't be your daughter's face."

The other nine old birds closed their eyes, what the fuck... How did this stupid bird pick?

It took Yan Mingshun a long time to understand, his face darkened, and he shouted, "Shut up Lao Tzu!"

The rookie flattened his mouth in grievance, and sat down honestly, but he felt uneasy in his heart, for fear that the chief daughter would take care of him.

Meimei was angry and funny, patted the rookie on the shoulder lightly, and said comfortably: "Don't worry, I'm just here for a light meal today, and it won't affect the incense in your house!"

This guy Yan Mingshun is so smart, what he did today is really stupid, and if he didn't know it, he thought that her daughter really couldn't get married!

Hearing Meimei's words, the rookie rejoiced. Although the old bird was a little disappointed, he didn't take it to heart. Instead, he was more interested in the next duel between the boss and the eldest young lady. I had long heard that the boss' daughter was highly skilled in martial arts, and today I can finally see it. .

"Why don't I respect you, I didn't choose ten for you to choose!" Yan Mingshun said coldly.

"I only like Brother Xiaobao, and none of the other men!" Lele yelled.

"Apart from Ning Xiaobao, any other man can do it!"

"You tyrant, unreasonable, I marry a man, you don't care who I marry!"

"As long as you are my daughter, I will take care of it. You can't marry Ning Xiaobao!" Yan Mingshun said sharply.

"Duel... I want to duel with you. You used to say that when there is disagreement, fists are the best way. Now we have disagreements, so let's duel!" Lele looked at Yan Mingshun firmly.

She won't give up easily!

Yan Mingshun pursed his lips tightly, and his mood was very complicated. He did not expect that one day his daughter would propose a duel to him because of a man!

It is gratifying to have a daughter who has grown up~www.readwn.com~ but more sadness and helplessness!

"Okay... just speak with your fists, if you win against me, I won't care about you and Ning Xiaobao!" Yan Mingshun said coldly.

"No, what does it look like, Lele, you can't do it with your father!" They were anxious, father and daughter fighting for a man, how decent!

Grandma Yang and Mr. Yan also felt it was inappropriate, but Yan Mingshun made up his mind. Lele gave up on Ning Xiaobao, and simply beat her to her heart's content.

In fact, he hasn't played against his daughter for a long time. Lele is born with divine power, and he will definitely not be able to beat a rival, but he can outsmart him and win with experience and moves.

"I hope you can keep your word!" Lele said.

"I'll talk if you win!" Yan Mingshun said coldly.

Both father and daughter put on tracksuits and stood face to face. (https:)

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