80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2926: real dream

? Lele closed the door gently. Although there was no light in the room, he could vaguely see Little Treasure sleeping soundly on the bed. Lele smiled silently, rubbed his palms, and walked over on tiptoe.

Cher was lying on the ground, flicking her long tail, watching the fun leisurely.

Xiaobao slept very sweetly. He dreamed of sister Lele again, this time on the grassland, and they rode the same horse.

"Brother Xiaobao, I want to marry you!"

"No... We are brothers and sisters, and we cannot get married." Xiaobao refused flatly, but there was some hesitation in his tone. In the dream, he was not as calm and rational as in reality.

"Brother Xiaobao, don't you like me?" Lele turned around and faced him face to face. The breath he exhaled sprayed onto his face, it was crisp and itchy... It made his mind even more confused.

"Like..." Xiaobao murmured.

"Why don't you marry me if you like me? We are not born by the same parents. We can get married. Anyway, I must marry you..."

Lele suddenly pressed on him, pressed him on the horse's back, and kissed him with red lips. Xiaobao couldn't hide at all, and he didn't really want to hide in his dream. After kissing, it tastes better than the dim sum made by Master Baiwei, and the taste is indescribable.

"Well... Lele..." Little Treasure made a groaning sound.

Lele snorted softly, not without pride, thinking of her in her dreams, and stubborn!

She rolled her big eyes and smiled slyly, lying on Xiaobao's body, pursed her lips and kissed it.

Xiaobao kissed Lele passionately in the dream. Only in the dream could he dare to do something he dared not do in real life, but...Why is today's dream so real? Sister Lele's mouth seems to be more So sweet!

He didn't have time to think about it at all. He subconsciously embraced Lele on his body with both hands. He was passive and took the initiative. He pressed Lele under him and continued to kiss. The temperature in the room rose rapidly. eyes.

In the abbot's room, the three monks kept reciting the Buddha's name: "Amitabha, see no ill-mannered, Amitabha, I wish all lovers in the world will eventually become dependents..."

"Abbot, do you really need to persuade?"

"Amitabha, you and I have already left the mortal world, and the love of the world can't be controlled!" The abbot chanted the Buddha's name, and the treasured image was stern, but his eyes glanced at the screen from time to time, and his old face was flushed.

This female donor is so fierce!

I hope Master Xiaobao can bear it, Amitabha!

Chunmeng Wuhen, Xiaobao and Lele thought they were in a dream, but the other just wanted to eat, you love me, I will soon dry the fire, and the goblins are about to fight~www.readwn.com~ Xiaobaotu When he woke up from the dream, he blinked, put his hand in his mouth, bit down hard, and breathed out in pain, but it was still not enough to go to bed, and he was more shocked by Lele.

"You... why are you in my bed?"

Xiaobao was so frightened that he rolled from the bed to the ground. The coolness of the floor reminded him that he was naked now. He hurriedly tore off the sheets and wrapped his body, only then did he regain his composure.

Sister Lele climbed the bed again. It was very dangerous just now, only the last step... will fall into the abyss!

Xiaobao secretly rejoiced, fortunately, he braked in time, so he didn't make a big mistake, otherwise how would he explain to Uncle Yan?

"Hurry up and put on your clothes!" Xiaobao turned his head away, not daring to look at Lele, who was also invisible. Jun's face was so red that he was bleeding.

In another place, the three old monks kept their eyes closed and recited the Buddha's name, and the computer was turned off. (https:)

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