After going down the mountain, Lele, who was in a very unhappy mood, called Bao Rina, "Come out and make skewers, see you at the old place."

"Come here directly, I'll hang out with my friends at the same place." There was a roar from Bao Rina's cell phone.

"Let the boss cut five fish first."

Lele hung up the phone and decided to turn grief and anger into appetite and make a savage meal.

As soon as Bao Rina heard it, she knew that her friend was in a bad mood, and she must have deflated at Ning Xiaobao's place again. In this world, except for Ning Xiaobao, there is really no human being who can make Lele deflated.

"You all go to that table, my sisters will be here in a while, make a seat." Bao Rina rudely kicked away the friends at the table, they were all plastic sisters, nothing compared to her and Lele's King Kong sisters Affection.

No one else dared to disagree. It was the uncle who paid the money. Tonight, it was Bao Rina's treat. She had the final say. The male classmates had no objection. My dad is also a well-known host and best-selling author.

Such a glittering white rich beauty, they naturally have to coax, if one day they are favored by the eldest lady, maybe they will be able to meet the great director before graduation, and have the opportunity to be the protagonist!

Lele came over not long after, she parked the car, walked over, just sat down and blew a bottle of cold beer, which extinguished the evil fire a little, Bao Rina looked funny and asked in a low voice : "You haven't slept yet?"

Two hours ago, Lele also sent her a text message, saying that she would definitely achieve a positive result tonight and eat Ning Xiaobao. Seeing the appearance of dissatisfaction with desire, she definitely hasn't eaten it yet!

"As for my fish, let the boss bake five more pieces without adding any other ingredients." Lele was too lazy to speak, so he grabbed the fish and ate it.

She is in a mess now, and only the food can be reluctant to comfort her. The boss is very familiar with Lele. As soon as she hears the ingredients, she knows that it is for the beautiful big white dog. , personally delivered to Xue Er who was already sitting in the seat.

"Miss Xue'er, take it slow!" The boss likes Xue'er very much. Every time he asks Lele Xue'er when he will give birth, he pays a high price to get one.

Of course Lele didn't agree. Xue'er is a noble wolf king, and ordinary vulgar wolves are not worthy of it, and even if she finds it, she can't give the little wolf to outsiders, she has to let it go to nature.

After five fish in a row, Lele was in a better mood. She told Bao Rina what happened at night, and said angrily, "Sooner or later, I will have to ask Ning Xiaobao to beg me!"

" This Ning Xiaobao doesn't know what to do, why don't you change to a man, Ning Xiaobao is not the only man in the world." Bao Rina suggested.

"No, I just want Ning Xiaobao!" Lele is very firm, and for other males, she can't have **** at all.

"Then you can consume it slowly. Maybe one day you can keep the clouds open and see the moonlight... But I think you should take the medicine faster. By the way, when you kissed Ning Xiaobao, did this guy react?" Bao Rina asked gossip.

Lele shook her head confusedly, how could she know if Ning Xiaobao would respond, "but he called my name in my sleep and kissed me back..."

Thinking of the previous fragrance, Lele's face couldn't help blushing, and she was rarely shy.

Bao Rina clapped her hands, "That's right, it means that Ning Xiaobao also has you in his heart, it's just that his mind can't turn around for a while, we have to give him some stimulation, let's give him medicine... The raw rice is cooked directly, and it turns around. here!" (https:)

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