80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2948: someone behind

?Have eaten Meimei's breakfast and teased the beautiful man. Lele's mood is super beautiful. She turned on her mobile phone and prepared to play games for a while. Her mobile phone is currently the most advanced satellite positioning mobile phone in the world. Even in the virgin forest, the mobile phone has signal, and the standby time is too long.

Of course, Xiaobao's mobile phone is the same. The cost is very expensive, and it is a good thing that money can't buy.

Lele just turned on the phone when the noisy phone call came, "sister...Did you tell Twelve?"

"Twelve is looking for you?" Lele asked gossip.

He wanted to cry without tears, but he knew that the old sister was unreliable and couldn't hold it for two months. He was really afraid of the dead girl Li Shishi. Think so beautifully.

"She's already going through the admission procedures..." Nao Nao sighed, with a head as big as an ox. At this time, Xiao Bao had already found a local person to ask for directions. The local people didn't speak Mandarin, and the accent was very strong and loud. .

"Sister, where are you? Why do you have a Yungui accent?" Nao Nao heard it.

Lele wanted to make up a few words to fool the past, but Nao Nao quickly guessed, "Are you and Brother Xiaobao together? Are you going to Yunnan and Guizhou to explore? Where... I'll go too, you tell me the location. ."

He was very busy, and he was bored. It was not bad to explore the primitive mountains, and he could avoid the dead girl Li Shishi.

Lele didn't want to agree at all. In the beautiful two-person world between her and Xiaobao, why should there be an extra light bulb!

"Nothing, hang up!" Lele hung up the phone flatly.

But after a while, Xiaobao's cell phone rang, and it was still noisy. Xiaobao happily shared the location. He actually hoped that the trouble would come over, so that he wouldn't have to worry about Lele crawling on the bed at night.

"Brother Xiaobao, wait, I'll go buy a plane ticket now."

Nao Nao hung up the phone excitedly, bought the fastest flight to Hong Kong, went to the nearby supermarket to clean up, then Nao Nao hurried to the airport with Uncle Ball in his arms.

Before getting on the plane, he thought and thought, and still sent a message to Xiaozhu——

"I'm going on an adventure, come find me if you're interested!"

He didn't say where he was going, and if the little pig wanted to go, he would definitely be able to find it.

Xiaobao has already asked for the way. Nianwei Mountain is not far away. It took half an hour to drive, but the mountain is very steep, and local people rarely go up the mountain from there. During the Anti-Japanese War, if the Japanese army came to sweep the village, the local villagers would It will hide in Niuwei Mountain and escape the Japanese army's sweeping.

"Let's go slowly, it will be a few days late for him to make trouble." Xiaobao said.

Lele snorted and followed behind angrily, don't think she'd give up when she found a light bulb~www.readwn.com~ Humph... It's her brother who makes trouble, and he will definitely be her good helper then!

The two slowly climbed the mountain. For the villagers, the mountain road was steep, and the two of them were walking on the ground with ease.

But it was only halfway up the mountain, Xiaobao's face became solemn, and he whispered: "The people from the dragon group are following, and there are people from other forces, several passers-by."

Lele snorted coldly, "Don't be afraid, we have the final say when we get to the mountain, if we don't, we will kill them and feed the wolves!"

Xiaobao nodded and reminded: "Other people are casual, and the dragon group try not to face them directly."

"That depends on whether they know each other or not." Lele hummed.

She knew Xiaobao's taboos and was afraid of causing trouble for her father, but in the deep mountains and forests, even if she killed a ghost, she would not know.

Of course, it is best for these people not to provoke them! (https:)

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