80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2952: dragon veins

"Then let's develop into love!" Twelve's eyes were bright and his expression was very solemn.

Nao Nao snorted, "I'm not interested in Xiaohuamiao. I'll tell you the rules first. You can follow us on an adventure, but you must make three chapters of the law. If you don't abide by it, don't follow us."

"What three chapters are you talking about first!"

Twelve flattened her mouth, she will grow up soon, and the trouble will definitely not escape her palm.

"I only have one request, don't keep talking in front of me, I want you to talk to Xiaozhu!" The reason why Nao Nao avoided Twelve was because he was afraid of this girl's grind, and Xiao Zui could From morning to night, except for the effort of drinking the water toilet, there is no need to stop.

Twelve said angrily: "If I don't agree, I just like to talk to you, and it's boring to talk to stinky pigs. It's inhumane if you don't let me talk. Even if we're not in love for the time being, we're still childhood sweethearts. How can you be so cruel... "

"Stop... I can't be in love with you for a lifetime. You have to face this cruel reality. It's impossible for us. The sky is torn apart, the sea is rotten, and even if you are the only woman left on the earth, it's impossible for me and you!"

Noisy interrupted Twelve and repeated his words one hundred and eighth.

He couldn't figure it out, why Twelve had to identify him as her husband, although he was handsome enough and had extraordinary abilities, but the age difference was there. ?

And she's still a yellow-haired girl who is noisier than a sparrow!

It is impossible for eight lifetimes, he is not stupid enough to make a fuss about it. For a stunted morning glory, a fool would do such a stupid thing by giving up a large fertile flower field!

Twelve didn't care about these hurtful words, and there was still slyness in her eyes. The things she saw, whether alive or dead, could never escape her palm.

"Don't be so quick now, you will regret it then." Twelve reminded with a smile.

Nao Nao hummed, his brain was short-circuited before he regretted it.

After the three of them had dinner, they booked a taxi and asked the driver to take them to Pangu County overnight. Fortunately, the three of them were not young, otherwise the driver would never have dared to take the job.

"Do you know what my sister went to Shiwanda Mountain for?" Xiaozhu asked in English.

"I guess it's for the treasure that Ning Chenxuan left behind..." Twelve talked about the jade pendant.

Nao Nao looked excited, he knew that following Brother Little Treasure would definitely be exciting, Ning Chenxuan's generation of heroes would definitely not be ordinary treasures left behind.

"It's definitely not just the weapon information. If there is only a weapon map, the dragon group doesn't need to take so long~www.readwn.com~ He can directly find Brother Xiaobao and ask him for a weapon map." Xiaozhu quickly found out Not right.

Twelve nodded, "I think so too, and my dad missed his mouth once and only said half of it, it should be related to that baby."

"What did Uncle Li say?" Little Pig was very interested.

"Dragon veins... That baby is related to dragon veins." Twelve said word by word.

Nao Nao and Xiao Zhu were both startled, it was actually a dragon vein?

But as expected, Ning Chenxuan was thinking about restoring the Ning Dynasty, maybe he really found the dragon vein! people

"So, the dragon veins are in the 100,000 Mountains?" Nao Nao said to himself.

"You will know if you go there. It is estimated that the mountain is very lively now. I probably checked before I came, and at least four countries' spies entered the mountain." Twelve talked eloquently. (https:)

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