80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2964: Heartbroken grass

"How long will the piglets and the others be?" Lele asked with concern after eating a chicken.

She is actually more concerned about chickens. If the little pigs and the others don't come, she will eat the rest of the chickens. Anyway, her stomach can be big or small, and there is no difference between eating more and less.

Xiaobao saw her thoughts and stared straight at the rest of the chicken. He was really a greedy cat. He looked at his watch and said, "For a quarter of an hour, I'll make it for you at night."

Lele looked back in disappointment and continued to nibble on her chicken. Xiaobao broke another one and put it in front of Lele, "this one is yours too, one piglet is enough for each of them."

"Well... chicken legs for you." Lele's eyes were bright, and he generously distributed both chicken legs to Xiaobao.

Xiaobao only eats chicken legs when he eats chicken, and only the meat on the gills when he eats fish. His mouth is more picky than that of piglets. The piglets have now changed to meat, provided that the meat comes from the depths of the mountains, not from artificial breeding. of the kind.

"Hello..." A clear female voice rang out, and Twelve walked at the front, greeting everyone with a smile.

Xiao Zhu and Nao Nao followed behind, pretending they didn't know Tong Lele, and looked indifferent.

"We're here to explore, please take care of me in the future!" Twelve walked to Lele, winked at her, and bowed.

Lele patted her **** the shoulder and said loudly, "I have a fate to meet you from thousands of miles away, no problem, please eat **!"

"Thank you sister, this is my brother, this is my boyfriend." Twelve introduced Xiaozhu and Nao Nao.

"Whose mother is you..." Nao Nao widened his eyes, and only halfway through his words, he was shut up by Lele's glare, and stared at the smug Twelve, the dead girl deliberately licked him, turned back Settlement again.

"Eat all together!" Lele invited the three of them to sit down, dumped the three chickens and stopped talking.

Three such big light bulbs are annoying to see.

"Ah... my stomach hurts..."

The man from Xiaoguo suddenly shouted and rolled on the ground clutching his stomach. His companion was also rolling on the ground. A chicken had been eaten clean by them, and there were a bunch of bones on the ground.

Everyone hurriedly walked over, but they were shocked to find that the two men were bleeding from their noses and mouths, and their screams became smaller and smaller.

Twelve Lian walked over while nibbling on chicken legs~www.readwn.com~ just glanced at it and said, "Food poisoning, and it is highly poisonous, there is no way to save it, dig a hole and bury it."

Just after he finished speaking, one man lost his voice, and blood flowed from his eyes and ears, looking very terrifying.

They didn't want to understand until they died, they were all the same thing, why were they the only ones who were poisoned?

Twelve squatted down, smelled the bones left by the two of them, smiled clearly, walked back and sat next to Xiaobao, winked his eyes and said, "You put five herbs in the chicken on purpose, because there is a It grows heartbroken grass, which looks very similar to five herbs."

Heartbroken grass, just looking at the name, it is not easy to provoke. After eating it by mistake, it will definitely die.

Xiaobao smiled slightly, "I've never heard of heartbroken grass, maybe my chickens have it too!"

Twelve cuts, and I knew that this fox would not admit it. He pretended to be like a master of the world every day, but in fact he was ruthless, and he killed three people without blinking an eye. Those three do not know until they die, they are actually designed!

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