80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2992: zombie wolf

The speed of the gray shadow is like lightning, leaping in the air, and only after they got close did they see the appearance of this thing. It was a wild wolf as thin as ribs, and its eyes shot a strange green light, which made people shudder.

"Isn't there no animals? How could a wild wolf come out?" Lele dragged Xiaobao behind him and pulled out her refined slingshot, which was a coming-of-age gift from Yan Mingshun.

The handle of the slingshot is made of alloy steel smelted from meteorites brought back from space. It will not melt even if thrown into magma. The rubber band is made of the toughest African rhino tendon, which can withstand Lele's extraordinary brute force. .

"Get out of the way!"

Lele drew a full bow, and it was three steel balls. When the wild wolf was only one meter away from her, the three steel **** shot into the wild wolf's eyebrows and two eyes in three directions. The beast is sure to die.


The wild wolf was only stagnant in the air for a second, there were three large holes in the forehead, and even white brain plasma flowed out, mixed with blood flowers, but the wild wolf was unaffected, as if he could not feel the pain, he continued. He rushed over, the green light in his eyes was creepy.

"Fuck... the undead wolf... what's going on..." Nao Nao threw out the whirling knife, which is his special weapon and can be used repeatedly. The materials are the same as Lele's slingshot, brought back from space meteorite.

The whirling knife made an ethereal whistling sound, quickly flew to the wild wolf, turned around its neck, the wild wolf was blocked from the momentum, the whirling knife spun in the air, and flew back, on the wild wolf After cutting the circle again, most of the head was pulled down, and dark blood flowed out.

The strange thing is that the wild wolf, whose head was about to break, still did not stop, which was unbelievably strange.

"Cut off your head!" Xiaobao said suddenly.


Nao Nao withdrew the spinning knife and threw it out again. This time he used a unique trick, three maneuvers, that is, the knife could spin itself in the air, and it would rotate back and forth three times, and the angle was erratic. , used this move to kill twelve hooligans who bullied women in one go.

The wild wolf's head finally fell to the ground, and three seconds later, the wild wolf finally fell down, his limbs twitching.

A few people breathed a sigh of relief and walked over. Lele kicked the wild wolf's body with his feet, "This wolf seems to have come out of a flower bush. Brother Xiaobao, didn't you say that there are no living things in the valley?"

Xiaobao looked solemn, "This wolf is not a living creature, it is already dead, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com has no heartbeat or breathing."

"Already dead? No, he ran so fast just now and wanted to eat us. Could it be a zombie?" Lele said with a smile, but just after she finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong, and the smile on her face gradually disappeared. .

"This is the zombie wolf, which is almost the same species as the zombie described in the book. Be careful, don't touch its blood, there are viruses in it." Xiaobao instructed.

"Wouldn't this wolf eat a lily bulb to turn into a zombie... Hell... are those two agents doing the same thing?"

"It's very possible... Let's go back, I'm worried about the little pig!" Xiaobao took out a small bottle of potion, dripped some on the dead wolf, lit it again, and instantly the flames rushed up, and the dead wolf was enveloped in the flames , and soon burned to ashes.

"The virus is alive and can only be killed with fire, go!"

Xiaobao explained, pulling Lele back, because he was ill-considered, and now he understands that the ultimate purpose of the virus is to turn living things into zombies.

Piglets are in danger now!

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