80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 2999: kill him

"Everyone is back, Chacha is here!" Lele roared at the red-eyed Twelve, ran over and dragged her back, not to disturb Yaxing, who was killing the enemy.

Cha Cha stuck out his tongue, raised his huge head high, and looked down at the monsters in front of him. Seeing that Lele and Twelve were running away, Cha Cha made a move.

With a flick of the huge tail, a tornado blew up on the flat ground. It was bigger than before. Many monsters, like kites with strings cut off, were swept up into the sky by the hurricane, and they went up and down together.

There is a huge difference in body size. The monsters are powerless in front of Chacha. Within a few minutes, Chacha easily rolls most of the monsters into the sky, and then falls off. Some are unlucky, and their necks are straight. It was broken, and the dark blue head rolled away.

"The bones of these mutants are particularly brittle, as are the neck bones. They can break their necks without much effort," Xiaozhu explained.

Suddenly... there was a strange whistling sound in the air, like the roar of a beast, very sharp and piercing, and what was even more strange was that the monsters who were still moving forward stopped after hearing this strange sound. , and slowly turned his head and returned to the original path.

"See where they go?"

Everyone stared intently at the remaining monsters. Although they had severed limbs and severe injuries, they walked back without hesitation and felt no pain at all.

"They are indeed back in the garden!"

The monsters all walked towards the garden. It is puzzling that there are so many monsters, but as soon as they step into the garden, the whole person seems to disappear out of thin air.

In the end... all the monsters walked into the garden and disappeared. If it weren't for the heads, broken hands and feet, and minced meat all over the ground, they would have thought that what just happened was just a dream.

"This formation has the effect of blindfolding." Xiaozhu frowned, thought for a while and then said, "This is not a simple curse formation, Ning Chenxuan has also added other blinding formations."

"What now? Go in and find them?" Nao Nao was eager to try.

He hadn't had enough kills just now, so Chacha was wiped out all at once.

"I won't go in for the time being. I suspect that these monsters are being controlled. Did you hear the voice just now?" Xiaobao asked.

"Yes, the monster will only leave after hearing that strange sound. Are there still humans in this garden?" Lele wondered even more. If there were humans, how did the humans survive?

It is impossible to eat bulbs every day!

Xiaobao immediately denied it~www.readwn.com~ It can't be a human, I suspect it is the leader of the monster. Let's rest for a while, and we will enter the battle in an hour! "

He took out the bottle, dripped the potion on the ground, took out a burning wooden stick from the bonfire, and threw it over. Immediately, a raging fire ignited. After a while, the ground was clean, but the soil was smoked. black.

Jason on the ground snorted, woke up faintly, looked at them in confusion, and asked subconsciously, "What about those monsters?"


Jason touched the back of his head, the ground was clean, no head, and no broken hands or feet, but there was still a good smell of tea in the air, but it was a little lighter.

"You smell the scent of tea..."

Xiaobao interrupted his questioning sharply, pointing to Pierre on the ground and shouting, "He's infected!"

Nao Nao immediately took out the rotary knife and said coldly, "Kill him!"

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