80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 3074: Zhou Xinger's story

The reporters were taken aback. The news was really explosive and credible.

The death of Mrs. Zhou three years ago was indeed sudden. It was obvious that someone saw her going out to the theater the day before, and she died suddenly, and no one had ever heard that Mrs. Zhou had a heart attack.

It is indeed very possible to die in a vendetta.

The reporters were more interested in the fact that Zhou Xinger was rounded up by more than a dozen people. If this news was true, it would be too exciting.

Xu Xiaoyu said excitedly: "Zhou Xing'er, she suddenly moved to the mainland to go to school three years ago, because of this incident, I have the video disc of her being slapped. Those people filmed it and played it in the small cinema, but only For a day..."

Zhou Jierui was so angry that his heart ached. He finally knew why Zhou Xinger couldn't come out for three years. For a young girl, this was a nightmare that was more terrifying than death.

"Damn, I have to kill her!"

Zhou Jierui couldn't listen anymore and wanted to rush out to stop Xu Xiaoyu, but——

"Xu Xiaoyu, why don't you dare to say, who was the one who betrayed me at that time? I regarded you as a good sister, but you betrayed the news that my grandma and I were watching a play to my enemies, and killed my grandma. It hurt me too..."

Zhou Xing'er's voice suddenly sounded, and she rushed over, not knowing when she arrived.

Xu Xiaoyu was taken aback, she didn't expect that Zhou Xinger would dare to admit it in front of so many reporters.

"Zhou Xing'er, you finally admitted it? You are not a pure and beautiful girl at all, you are a dirty person... You have been beaten by a dozen stinky men..."

Xu Xiaoyu screamed hysterically.

Zhou Jierui wanted to rush out several times, but was held back by his colleagues, "Your future daughter-in-law will not be so vulnerable, didn't the moles say that you want to fight poison with poison!"

The reporters were very excited, and there was a big harvest when it came. Miss Zhou admitted that she was insulted by her enemies three years ago, and Mrs. Zhou died in a vendetta, which sounds really pitiful.

And the reason for this is that this mad woman betrayed her friend. If this is the case, then this Xu Xiaoyu is too hateful, even more poisonous than a poisonous snake!

Zhou Xing'er's face was pale, but her eyes were very firm. She walked to the stage step by step, stood face to face with Xu Xiaoyu, and slapped her.

"Xu Xiaoyu, this slap is for my grandma. On your birthday, my grandma will give you a birthday present. You killed her old man, are you still human?"

"And me, I treat you as a good friend, pay you tuition, teach your bullies, and help your father pay off his gambling debts, but you hurt me again and again, your heart is bigger than a poisonous snake Poisonous!"

Zhou Xing’er was beating like crazy, Xu Xiaoyu had no power to fight back, and she never imagined that Zhou Xing’er would be unconcerned about her image and beat people in front of so many reporters.

"The events of that year made me have nightmares every night. I thought of death countless times, but I promised my grandma to live strong, so I tried hard to forget this nightmare and live again, but you have to reveal me again. My scar, Xu Xiaoyu... How can you be so vicious? You are not human!"

Zhou Xing’er was crying and beating at the same time. Every time she was beating, her heart felt a little better, especially in front of so many people, she felt even more happy and her heart was much more open.

Xu Xiaoyu was beaten to the point of lying on the ground and could not get up. Zhou Xing'er wiped her tears, picked up the microphone, and looked at the shocked reporter below, tears streaming down again.

"In the past three years, I have been very miserable, and I have sought a lot of psychiatrists, but they have not been able to cure me. I am afraid of panic, and I deeply hate myself. I will never return to the age of sixteen..."

The atmosphere at the scene became heavy, and the reporters could not bear to ask any more questions, and listened to Zhou Xinger quietly.

"I'm afraid that my fans will hate me, I'm afraid that my friends will stay away from me, that no one will like me anymore... But I don't want this, I didn't do anything wrong, I just made friends, why should I suffer like this The punishment that should be punished is those who harmed me, not me."

"So, I won't run away anymore, I want to live a good life, and I want to continue my favorite performance, people who like me, won't hurt me again because of others, people who don't like me, I won't force them to like me either!"

After Zhou Xinger finished speaking in one breath, the stagnant anger that had been there for the past three years suddenly disappeared, and it was extremely bright.

She looked at the little movie that was still playing on the big screen and said, "Do you know who this heroine is? It's this woman, her name is Xu Xiaoyu, who had plastic surgery two years ago and is now called Chen Xiaoyu."

The reporters gasped, this is really a thief shouting to catch a thief, it turns out that she herself is the real **** star debut!

All the courage that Zhou Xinger mustered up after speaking, suddenly vented, she slowly stepped off the stage, no one stopped her, the reporters took the initiative to give way, with sympathy and admiration in their eyes.

Walking to the door step by step, Zhou Xinger couldn't hold it any longer, her eyes darkened and she fell to the ground.

Zhou Jierui rushed out in a hurry. Chen Jia and Chen's father, who also rushed to the scene, have been hiding in the corner. He also saw Zhou Xinger fainting, and subconsciously wanted to rush out, but Chen's father grabbed him and shook his head at him.

Chen Jia broke free from his father, but it was already too late. Zhou Jierui rushed over, picked up Zhou Xinger, and left in a hurry. Chen Jia watched the car leave, and his heart was empty.

He knew that some things would never go back.

Father Chen felt that this was good, and he was very sympathetic to what happened to Zhou Xinger, but he would never let his son marry such a woman into the house, he couldn't afford to be ashamed!

Not to let Zhou Xinger influence her son's Olympic competition!

After Zhou Jierui got into the car, he called his colleagues, "Let those reporters pay attention to their wording, and be sure to win the sympathy of public opinion."

"Don't worry, it's on your buddy, you can just pick up girls with peace of mind, and invite us to a wedding wine!" The colleague laughed and teased, just in time to have a long hair, it's good to find something to do.

Zhou Jierui looked at Zhou Xinger who was weak in his arms~www.readwn.com~ was very distressed.

He also hated Xu Xiaoyu even more.

He said to his colleague: "Xu Xiaoyu's **** can't let her go, send her to where she should go!"

"Must be, this kind of woman has to go to the desert to show off her heat!"

Zhou Jierui hung up the phone and took Zhou Xinger back to Zhou's house. Zhou Zihua asked what happened and was very grateful to him.

"I'm going to find someone to make arrangements for reporters to report carefully."

"I have already arranged, I won't talk nonsense, let Xing'er rest first, I have also arranged for Xu Xiaoyu's woman, and will not appear again in the future." Zhou Jierui brought Zhou Xing'er back to the room, everything was arranged. Zhou Zihua is very happy to be in good order.

Hand over his granddaughter to Jay Chou, he can feel at ease!

And Zhou Jierui knew what happened three years ago, and didn't show anything different. Zhou Zihua only saw the pity in Zhou Jierui's eyes. This is the person who really loves his granddaughter.

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