80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 3076: Zhou Xinger's story

After Zhou Jierui came home, he went upstairs to see Zhou Xinger as usual, this girl has been sleeping for three days, she has to eat and pee, what is it like to lie down like this!


The bed was empty.

The quilt was neatly folded, and there was a note on the pillow with beautiful words on it: "Zhou Jierui, thank you for everything you've done for me, I want to go out to relax, don't worry, I won't commit suicide, don't come here. Find me.

Zhou Xinger. "

Zhou Jierui was taken aback, he only went out for so much time, and the big survivors are gone?

He took the note and hurried to find Zhou Zihua, but the housekeeper said that Zhou Zihua had gone out to run errands.

It wasn't until the evening that Zhou Zihua came back. In his study, there was also a note left by Zhou Xinger, which also said that he wanted to go out to relax and told Zhou Zihua not to look for her.

"Not long after the master went out, the young lady woke up. She also drank the soup and was in good spirits. The young lady said she was going to the garden to relax, but I didn't expect the young lady to leave." them.

Zhou Zihua sighed and told the servants to retreat without punishing them.

"Just let Xing'er go out to relax, she will come back naturally after she figured it out after a while." Zhou Zihua was very calm.

Zhou Jierui glanced at the old fox suspiciously. He always felt that something was not right. This old guy was too calm and didn't worry about Xing'er's safety at all. Something was wrong.

"It's really good to relax. I'm done with my business here. I've been disturbed for the past few days. I'm leaving!"

Zhou Jierui simply left Zhou's house, and as soon as he left Zhou's house, he took out his portable computer and started logging into HK's immigration network to check Zhou Xinger's records. Sure enough, Zhou Xinger left HK half an hour ago.

He overcame the surveillance network of HK airport again, and found Zhou Zihua and Zhou Xinger. The time was right before Zhou Zihua came back. This old fox was not going to run errands at all, but to drop off the plane.

Zhou Jierui snorted, his fingers flew, and he continued to search until he found Zhou Xinger's destination - Hawaii.

Come on, I haven't been to Hawaii for a long time, so it's not bad to go to play.

He won't give Zhou Xinger time to buffer, he wants this girl to feel his presence every minute and every second.

After a long time...it will be love!

Two days later.

Hawaii's beautiful beach, waves one after another, blue sky and blue waves, the beach is full of tourists from all over the world, all wearing bikinis and beach pants, chasing and playing, very lively.

Zhou Xinger listened to the sound of the tide, but slept well all night, and woke up full of energy and in a good mood.

Now she is just an ordinary tourist. She doesn't listen to or think about the bad things in the country. Now she just wants to play in the mood.

Myolie Zhou put on a one-piece blue bikini, which outlined her beautiful figure. She put on a tulle, and went to the beach, ready to go water skiing for a while, and run on the waves. That kind of excitement will definitely be Make her feel better.

Zhou Jierui saw the beautiful figure from a distance, but saw that Zhou Xinger was getting ready for water skiing, and she was almost ready.

In order to marry a daughter-in-law, fight!

Zhou Jierui gritted his teeth and ran up.

When Zhou Xinger was ready, she stepped on the skateboard, grabbed the rings with both hands, and tied the steel rope to the speedboat. Soon she would be able to run on the water.

There were also people preparing for water skiing. Zhou Xing’er turned her head at will, her eyes were round, and her mouth was wide open. In front of her was Zhou Jerry who smiled at her.

"Hello, what a coincidence!" Jay Chou smiled brighter than the sun in the sky.

Zhou Xing’er quickly turned her head away, ghosts wouldn’t believe it was a coincidence, and they all said not to come to her, why is this guy haunted?

Zhou Jierui shrugged, and didn't care about Zhou Xinger's attitude. After a long time, you will naturally get used to it.

The speedboat started to start. Myolie Zhou set off first and rushed to the front after a while. The water splashed all over Zhou Jerry. He also started it here. Buddha……

I hope that the bodhisattvas from all walks of life can bless him with his smooth completion, and don't make a fool of himself in front of his daughter-in-law, but—

The Bodhisattva was very busy and had no time to pay attention to him.

Zhou Xinger enjoyed the thrill of speed, screamed loudly in the waves, vented the depression of these times, and her mood improved a lot. .

Zhou Jierui was in a hurry on the skateboard, stumbling around, and almost fell into the water several times. It looked very funny. Zhou Xinger thought that this guy was deliberately making her laugh, but she soon found out that this guy really doesn't know how to do it. water skiing.

"Hold tight, don't let go!"

Zhou Xing’er shouted, Zhou Jerry released one hand, and only used one hand to hold the dangling bosom. His body was seriously tilted, and he was only a little distance from the water surface. If he went down a little, the whole person would fall into the water, and the situation was very dangerous.

Zhou Jierui was terrified. He didn't expect water skiing to be so dangerous. The speed of the speedboat was getting faster and faster. He couldn't hold the ring at all, and the rest of his hand probably wouldn't last long.

In case of falling into the sea, he will only be watery like a dog, wouldn't he want to feed a shark!

"Come on... help..."

Zhou Jierui was so frightened that he shouted, he hasn't married a daughter-in-law yet, it's just when his youth is in his prime, so he shouldn't die!

But the sound of the waves was so loud that it completely blocked Zhou Jierui's cry for help. After Zhou Jierui called a few times, he finally couldn't hold it any longer and fell into the sea. After struggling a few times, he sank into the water.

Zhou Xing'er jumped into the sea without even thinking about it, and swam to Zhou Jerry's side. This guy was already bubbling. Zhou Xing'er had learned how to save people in the water. She came behind Zhou Jerui and put one hand around Zhou Jerry's neck. Go upstream.

The lifeguards at the beach also arrived and brought the two of them to the beach. Zhou Jierui was paralyzed on the ground with a bulging stomach and a look of panic.

The lifeguards expelled the seawater from his stomach~www.readwn.com~ Zhou Jierui slowly regained his strength. The happiness of the rest of his life made him burst into tears and hugged Zhou Xinger tightly.

"I thought I was going to die this time... Brother hasn't married a wife yet..."

Zhou Jierui hugged Zhou Xing'er and cried, tears gushing out, Zhou Xing'er patted his back and comforted: "It's alright... it's alright... Why do you want to ski if you can't ski?"

"I thought it was easy..."

Zhou Jierui said while crying, he really thought it was easy, as long as the rope was not tight, the ghost knew that in the sea, his hands would not be able to work hard.

"Xing'er, you saved me, I must repay you for saving your life!"

Zhou Jierui said it seriously, Zhou Xinger just wanted to say that it doesn't matter, but the guy said again, "Brother, you have to promise me!"

Zhou Xing'er's emotion just now vanished in an instant, she glared at him, got up and left.

After a few steps, she turned back and warned, "Don't follow me again!"

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