80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 32: broken dream

After Wu Zhengsi finished teaching He Biyun, he began to teach Wu Mei again, "Mei Mei, Dad always said that, if you have something to talk about at home, and don't talk about family affairs outside, are you taking all your father's words? Forgot?"

"I didn't forget, but it hurts." Wu Mei whispered.

Wu Zhengsi was blocked, and he didn't know how to say it. The younger daughter told him that she was in pain before going out, but he didn't care. The main reason was that the younger daughter had been beaten before and never complained. He naturally It won't matter.

That's right, Wu Zhengsi actually knew that He Biyun was playing Wumei. As long as no outsiders knew about it, he would just turn a blind eye and be too lazy to care. Who made Wumei's study so poor!

"This time it's your mother's fault, but it's also very wrong for you to talk about the family's affairs outside. In the future, tell your father if you have something to do, understand?"

This is what Wu Mei was waiting for. She opened her eyes wide and said timidly, "Can you really tell Dad everything? Mommy, will she listen to Dad?"

He Biyun glared at him fiercely. Damn girl, she has even learned to sow discord!

Wu Zhengsi looked at her with a warning, and replied, "Of course you have to listen. Dad is the head of the family, so what you say matters!"

When he read the head of the family, Wu Zhengsi intensified his tone, and He Biyun shuddered, not daring to stare anymore.

"Well, I'll tell my father later." Wu Mei grinned.

Wu Zhengsi was stunned by the smile of his little daughter, and he had an indescribable feeling in his heart, so he said, "Let's go, your grandparents are waiting."

He took the lead in walking in front, the moonlight elongated his figure, his slender body was folded ninety degrees, looking like a monster, Wu Mei followed quietly, recalling what happened in his previous life, some memories It's blurry, she has to think hard and make countermeasures in advance.

Mei Shuhan returned home. His family lived in the suburbs. The house was very dilapidated. Several windows were covered with scrap newspapers, and the doors were crooked. He could retire early at any time.

"Shuhan is back?"

There was a weak and old voice from the room. It was Mei Shuhan's sick mother. She had to lie in bed for many years, but she still insisted on pasting cardboard boxes, and she couldn't take a minute.

Because this is their family's main income, the family's food needs to be glued to paper boxes.

"Mom, take a break, and I'll paste it when I'm done cooking."

Mei Shuhan put down his schoolbag and went to the kitchen. His family's dinner was always simple. A meal of clear water noodles and some pickles could be dealt with. Sometimes he would buy some shriveled vegetables at dusk. In fact, it is the same as fresh vegetables, but the price is half cheaper. When the owner of the vegetable stall is in a good mood, he will give him the rest of the vegetables, which can be dealt with for several days!

"You don't have to mess with it. You just need to study. Mom is in good spirits. Cough, cough, cough!" After a few words, Mother Mei coughed, piercing her heart.

"Mom, I'll take you to the hospital this weekend!"

Mei Shuhan was very distressed, he was exhausted all his life!

"What's the matter? Don't look at it, I just choked, just drink some water to moisturise."

Mei Shuhan handed the teacup to her mother, but she just sipped her mouth and did not dare to drink too much. She would have to go to the toilet after drinking too much water. Her body was too weak, and going to the toilet was all physical work for her. , Delay pasting cardboard boxes to make money, or drink less water!

Mei Shuhan silently went back to the kitchen to cook noodles. Money was what he needed the most at the moment. With money, he could take his mother to a big hospital for treatment, he could cook meat every day to supplement his mother's nutrition, and he could wear clothes. It's more decent, and I don't need to accept the pitying gaze of those female classmates.

A bunch of messy information appeared in his mind. These were all he had dreamed about in the past few nights. Apart from the beautiful woman, this was the only information left in the dream.

Can you really make a lot of money picking up waste?

Mei Shuhan couldn't believe it, but in his dream there was such a billionaire who made his fortune by picking up waste paper. Why didn't he try it?

There is so much waste paper in the school every semester. He can intercede with the principal, buy the waste paper at a low price, and then resell it to the household registration acquisition station. The difference in the middle should be stronger than the paper box.

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