80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 503: She is our eyebrow

Wu Mei seemed to hear someone calling her, and it was the voice of the woman in the dream. Although it was very small, she really heard it.

The voice seemed to come from offstage. Wu Mei wanted to look offstage, but she held back. There were so many people watching, including TV reporters. She must perform well and not lose face.

The melodious music sounded, Wu Mei danced to the tune, and the whole person threw himself into the dance, forgetting the audience and everything, even the dance moves.

All the dance movements jumped out naturally with the music, just like the description of martial arts novels. The highest state of martial arts is to forget all the tricks, and there is no trick to win.

Wu Mei's dance now has a bit of this flavor. Some movements are not rehearsed in advance, but she thinks that she should dance like this when she listens to the music. In fact, the dance movements she thinks are indeed more artistic than those rehearsed before. .

The audience under the stage didn't take Wu Mei and the three little brats seriously. What good shows can children perform!

These three children must be related households. In the past, the Spring Festival Gala was like this. The programs reserved for schools are basically children of related households. It is also an honor to let these children show their faces on TV!

As for these children's programs, as long as they don't fool people too much, it's fine, and no one will be too serious with the children!

It's just that they never imagined-

Wu Mei and their performances are so fooling!

The performances are even more exciting than those of the previous professional actors. Like a bunch of colorful flowers, a refreshing hibiscus suddenly emerges. This strong visual contrast makes the audience forget themselves and become intoxicated.

Yan Xinya watched even more with tears in her eyes. The swirling eyebrows on the stage turned and turned, turning into the appearance of her mother. Her mother was the lead dancer of the art troupe and a very good classical dancer.

When she was a child, she often went to the theater with her father to watch her mother's performance. The mother on the stage was also spinning like this, so beautiful that she seemed to rise up at any time and no longer live in the world.

"Yinghua, she must be our eyebrow, she must be."

Yan Xinya muttered to herself excitedly. Zhao Yinghua held her hand tightly. He was also very excited. The connection between parents and children was indescribable in words. He could feel it.

Wu Mei kept spinning, and she didn't know how many turns she made. As long as she didn't feel dizzy, she kept spinning, and the faster she turned, the faster the followers could only see a pale green shadow, but they couldn't see it at all. people.

The applause sounded like a tide, all the audience applauded excitedly, and also applauded for the three outstanding children!

The curtain is slowly drawn up~www.readwn.com~ Wu Mei and their show is over!

Yan Xinya stood up excitedly, pulling Zhao Yinghua to go to the backstage, she couldn't wait, she couldn't wait to see Wu Mei, she wanted to see this child up close.

Zhao Yinghua and the others walked towards the backstage with their waists down, and Yan Mingshun was waiting for them at the entrance.

"Seeing Meimei, how do you feel Auntie?"

Yan Xinya was so excited that she couldn't even utter a word. Zhao Yinghua embraced his wife, looked at Yan Mingshun brightly, and asked in a deep voice, "Did you doubt it from the beginning?"

"Yes, before I met you, I had doubts, but now I am sure." Yan Mingshun did not show any timidity and looked at Zhao Yinghua.

Zhao Yinghua's eyes showed admiration, this child is stronger than he was back then!

"Yan Xinya, how could it be you? What are you doing here?"

A woman's exclamation came from the door.

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