80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 52: 5 cents

The fragrance of lotus root cake kept entering her nose, Wu Mei's stomach growled more happily, and her mouth was overflowing with saliva. She couldn't hold it any longer and ran to the alley.

"Auntie, here are two oil lamps."

The aunt of the fried pancake was chubby, her face was full of vicissitudes of years, but she looked kind and kind. She heard the little girl's sweet voice, and when she saw that Wu Mei was so beautiful, she smiled even more kindly.

"Take it, be careful it's hot, two and a half cents."

The aunt wrapped the cake in the old newspaper and handed it to Wu Mei. The oil soaked the newspaper transparent, and the type became clearer. Wu Mei couldn't wait to take a big bite and pulled out a few thin white threads. As soon as it was blown, the silk stuck to the nose, itchy, and Wu Mei couldn't help but be happy.

"It's delicious, auntie, I'll give you the money."

Wu Mei smiled and took out the money from her pocket. She remembered that she had a small treasury with two cents, but her smile stopped when she reached into her pocket. Why is there only one left?

Reluctantly, he turned all the bags on his body upside down, but there was still only a dime. A man and a woman on the coins looked into the distance with a smile, and the words "one corner" were written next to them, not "two corners".

"Auntie, I... do I want to give you one back..."

Wu Mei looked at the two biscuits that she had bitten off. The following words were really shameless to say. She lowered her head in shame and didn't dare to look at the aunt. Why didn't she check the money in her pocket beforehand?

It's a shame to lose face now!

"It's alright, you can eat it. You don't need to give money." The aunt was very talkative and looked at Wu Mei with a smile. She could see at a glance that Wu Mei was not the kind of kid with a skinny face, and she didn't want to eat for free.

"I have a dime. I'll give you this money. I still owe you five cents. I'll give it to you tomorrow."

Wu Mei put a dime in the money box and made a very serious guarantee that what she earns is hard-earned money, she can't owe these five cents.

The aunt glanced at the ill-fitting old clothes on Wu Mei's body and said with a smile, "You don't need to give the five cents, that's enough."

"Aunt Xu, what's going on?"

Mei Shuhan came over and pushed a very worn bicycle. The schoolbag in the front basket was washed white and still had some patches, but it was very clean and tidy. Like the owner of the schoolbag, he always kept his appearance neat and tidy.

Wu Mei hurriedly lowered his head, why is Mei Shuhan in this street? He should have gone home another way. Could it be that she remembered it wrong?

"Meimei, why haven't you gone home yet? Where's Yueyue? Wasn't she with you?"

Mei Shuhan was very surprised to see Wu Mei, and asked a series of questions. When Aunt Xu saw that Mei Shuhan knew the little girl, she smiled and told Wu Mei about the five cents, and asked Mei Shuhan to persuade Wu Mei to go home quickly.

"I'll give me the five cents for Meimei, Aunt Xu, please take the money."

Without a word, Mei Shuhan took out a five-cent note from her body and threw it into the money box. Aunt Xu and Wu Mei shouted at the same time, "You don't need to give me the money."

"Shuhan...Brother, thank you, I can't ask for your five cents."

Wu Mei called out that Brother Shuhan with difficulty, and her mouth was bitter. Although she didn't hate Mei Shuhan, as long as she thought that he and Wu Yue had cheated on her for ten years, her heart pierced. It hurts, and I don't want to have any entanglements with Mei Shuhan anymore, not at all.

The most important thing is that she knew that Mei Shuhan's family was very poor. The five cents might be his food money for a day, and she couldn't ask for it.

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