80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 528: Daddy please eat chicken ass

It was as warm as spring in the box of Zuixianlou, and Yan Xinya didn't care about eating it at all, she just kept peeling shrimps and vegetables for Wu Mei, watching her daughter eat her vegetables, Yan Xinya felt that it was better than her own. fragrant.

"You eat meat too!"

Wu Mei was a little embarrassed. She was really not used to having people staring at dinner. She took a beggar drumstick and put it in Yan Xinya's bowl. Zhao Yinghua and his son's expressions changed slightly. But Yan Xinya picked up the chicken leg without hesitation and ate it with a smile, looking satisfied.

"Chicken legs are delicious, thank you Meimei."

Yan Xinya hadn't eaten meat for 12 years because she wanted to atone for her sins, but now that her daughter has returned home, of course she has to take good care of her body. The smell of chicken gave her a good appetite, and she even drank a bowl of fish soup on her own initiative. He got up and scooped a bowl for Wu Meiye.

"Meimei drinks fish soup. The fish soup here is very authentic. Girls will look more beautiful if they eat more fish."

Wu Mei looked at the beautiful woman in front of her. If she wasn't too thin and pale, this woman would be even more beautiful!

"Drink more, too, you're too thin, eat more meat!" Wu Mei took another piece of chicken and put it in Yan Xinya's bowl, ignoring Zhao Yinghua's strange expressions at all.

"Okay, let's eat together."

Yan Xinya's eyes narrowed, she had to finish all the dishes her daughter had prepared for her.

Wu Mei grinned, and lowered his head to drink, thinking that it would not be very good to only serve Yan Xinya and not Zhao Yinghua, so he got up and took a large piece of meat, and put it in Zhao Yinghua's bowl without looking carefully. .

"You eat meat too!"

After Wu Mei finished speaking, she sat down and continued to drink the soup. To tell the truth, she was really a bit of a cheap old man of her own. She was unsmiling, not kind and amiable at all!

Zhao Yinghua really appreciates her daughter's filial piety to herself, no wonder they all say that her daughter is a caring little padded jacket, how caring!

But the problem is that the eyes of my little padded jacket may not be very good!

What does it mean to give him a chicken butt?

Zhao Yinghua looked at the thick and juicy chicken buttocks in the bowl and was in a dilemma. He had a conscience of the world. The thing he didn't like to eat on chickens was the chicken buttocks!

Of course, Zhao Yingnan knows her little brother's eating habits. He doesn't eat animal offal or chicken butt. He has been weird and tight since he was a kid.

She won't remind Wu Mei too much, it's rare to see my little brother deflated!

Yan Xinya wanted to help Zhao Yinghua eat the chicken butt, how could Zhao Yinghua be willing, the daughter's filial piety, no matter what kind of butt, he had to eat it!

Zhao Yinghua put the chicken **** into his mouth, and swallowed the chicken **** in spite of his nausea. He didn't even chew it~www.readwn.com~ choked him and rolled his eyes, but Zhao Yingnan's music was broken!

Yan Xinya also covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing. It's good that her daughter is back. It's been a long time since the family was so happy!

"Oh, I forgot to bring out the ball, I have to go back and find the ball!"

As soon as Wu Mei finished drinking the fish soup, she cried out, stood up and rushed out. Yan Mingshun quickly grabbed her, pointed to the schoolbag he was carrying, and said with a smile, "I'm here with Qiuqiu!"

Just finished speaking, the uncle Qiu, who had been holding back for a long time, finally couldn't help but get out. The immortal was sloppy, and Yan Mingshun was only willing to feed it some bone slag, and didn't let it come out to breathe, but it was really greedy!

"Thank you Mingshun brother, Qiuqiu I'm sorry, I forgot about you, come and eat chicken legs, I specially reserved it for you."

Wu Mei hugged Qiuqiu and smiled, she didn't care about everything left in the Wu family, but Qiuqiu was the only thing she had to take away!

And she had a gut feeling that Zhao Yinghua and the others would never object to her raising the ball!

Certainly not!

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