80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 542: New account and old account 1 liquidation

Zhao Xuelin has long wanted to teach his mother's so-called relatives a hard lesson, but it's a pity that he used to be in the south and couldn't come to avenge his mother, but now he can get what he wanted!

Xiong Mumu has been Zhao Xuelin's little follower since he was a child. When he saw his cousin, he was shocked.

Yan Xinya said coldly, "Xuelin, throw out all the things inside, and leave nothing behind!"

"Okay, mom, just watch it!"

Zhao Xuelin got the right words and rushed in, seeing the colorful clothes drying in the yard, and ordered Xiong Mumu, "Go and throw those rags away!"

His eyes are so bright that he can see from a distance that most of them are women's clothes. He is a manly man, how can he throw girls' clothes?

This kind of work naturally has to be done by the little cousin. Anyway, the little cousin has been raised as a girl since he was a child, so it's not in the way!

Xiong Mumu was dumbfounded when he rushed to the clothes, and knew that his cousin was not at ease. He was also a dignified man and must not touch girls' clothes, otherwise that stinky girl with eyebrows would definitely laugh at him!

Meimei looked funny, ran over to put all the clothes into a ball, pouted into the room, and said to Xiong Mumu, "Go help my brother, I'll get it outside!"

"Don't worry, don't keep a whole piece of it for them!" Xiong Mumu's eyes are bright, and what he likes to do is raiding his house.

Wu Mei ran out of the gate with a large ball of clothes in her arms, threw all the clothes away, and ran back in a hurry. When she saw something in the yard that could be moved, she let her slip outside, and the whole person was about to explode with excitement. .

Let you occupy her house!

Let you bully her mother!

Let you raise a beast like He Biyun to abuse her!

All of these new and old accounts have to be settled in a lump sum, but it's cheaper for this white-eyed wolf to be driven out!

Compared with the hardships Yan Xinya suffered in the past, and the tragic fate of her previous life, what is it to be kicked out of the house?

"Stop it all for me, you little beasts, stop it, and no one is allowed to touch my mother's things!"

When Mrs. He saw that Yan Xinya was genuine, she didn't bother to pretend to be kind, and went outside to pick up the thrown things in a rage~www.readwn.com~ and wanted to grab their brows and eyebrows, but she hated that they could be divided into several halves. That's it!

"He Baozhu, you are dead, don't go and pull those little beasts out, He Biyun and your mother are both deaf, and the family has been robbed by robbers, so don't come out to help!"

Mrs. He really deserved to be the village tyrant back then. She had a lot of firepower. She didn't forget to assign people in her family, and asked her thirteen-year-old grandson to find He Bishi and his wife. More is always true!

Papa Bear stopped Mr. He who was about to enter the house, and said coldly, "My child is freeing up the things in his house. You better stay calm, Mr., otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

When Old Man He glanced at Papa Bear's sturdy body, his courage smaller than a chicken suddenly shrank to the point where he didn't dare to be strong.

He Biyun, who heard Mrs. He's call, finally woke up from the trance. She and Wu Yue rushed out. Seeing Yan Xinya's eyes were all red, He Biyun threw her face with a twisted face, screaming:

"Yan Xinya, you slut, you return my son, you and Wu Zhengsi's male thief and female prostitute hooked up and killed my son, I want to kill you!"

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