80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 587: Meimei, you need to eat more

Meimei's eyes sparkled with excitement, she shook her head vigorously, and said to Yan Mingshun, "Brother Mingshun, throw it higher, have fun!"

Yan Mingshun also regretted when Zhao Xuelin rushed over, secretly annoyed that he was too sloppy, what if the little girl was frightened!

However, seeing the look of eyebrows eager to try, his heart is also put down, it seems that the courage of the little girl is still quite big!

"Sure, I'll throw it higher!"

Yan Mingshun also became stubborn, and with a stroke of luck, he threw Meimei out again, at least as high as a floor, and Meimei cried happily.

Zhao Xuelin watched with gritted teeth, not just throwing high, he would too!

When Meimei fell again, Zhao Xuelin took the lead and hugged Meimei. The young man's competitive nature made him say without hesitation: "Meimei, brother will also throw it away, look at it!"

As soon as he said that, he lucked out his dantian, exerted his strength to suckle, and even suffocated his fart, and forced his eyebrows to be thrown away so much that he didn't even have half of what Yan Mingshun had before.

Meimei was dissatisfied, "Brother, you are too weak, Brother Mingshun can throw me so high!"

She was talking about the height comparison, and she was very dissatisfied with her brother. She looked at the tall man, much stronger than Yan Mingshun.

Zhao Xuelin was extremely ashamed to make his sister dislike it, but he still said stubbornly: "It's not that my brother is weak, it's that you have gained weight recently, at least ten pounds. If it was before the new year, I would definitely throw it away.

Meimei's complexion changed greatly, he lowered his head and pinched his waist, and then pulled on his padded jacket. No wonder the padded jacket has become tighter recently. It turned out to be growing flesh!

But why did my brother say it in front of Yan Mingshun?

Does she have no face!

"Brother, you're so annoying, I'm ignoring you!"

The extremely embarrassed eyebrows glared at Zhao Xuelin, trotted back to Zhao Yinghua and the others, and even forgot to say goodbye to Yan Mingshun.

In fact, it is not that she has forgotten, but that she has no face!

She must be unattractive after gaining ten kilograms of weight. She made Yan Mingshun throw herself just now, which must have exhausted others. She is so ignorant of herself!

Zhao Xuelin touched his nose and was baffled by his eyebrows. He was right, the little girl has gained a lot of weight!

He was just telling the truth, and now the little girl is so good-looking, she is full of meat when she is pinched, not like bones when she is pinched before.

Yan Mingshun rolled his eyes at Zhao Xuelin, he really couldn't speak!

He walked over to Zhao Yinghua, first said hello to Zhao Yinghua and his wife, and then looked at the low eyebrows ~www.readwn.com~ smiled and said, "The eyebrows are not fat at all, I have to do more. Just eat a little more."

Meimei, who was already planning a weight loss plan in her stomach, raised her head in surprise when she heard Yan Mingshun's words, "Isn't it really fat? But my brother said I gained ten pounds."

Meimei quickly frowned. The old lady can make her eat five meals a day, and she can make delicious food in a different way. Dumplings, dumplings, steamed buns, spring rolls, etc., are all her favorites.

"Your brother is blind, fart!"

Yan Mingshun said decisively, without hesitation of Zhao Xuelin's black face beside him, looking at Yan Mingshun's sincere eyes with eyebrows, he felt a lot more at ease.

Yan Mingshun would not lie to himself, how could the future chief lie to others!

Her brother must be blind, that's right, that's what happened!

"Mei Mei is still too thin, I will eat more in the future!"

The future chief said with great sincerity, he really felt that the little girl had to be round and round to look good, white and fat, and it would be comfortable to hold!

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