80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 590: ready to go eat

Yan Mingshun spoke with Meimei calmly, and slightly blocked the microphone with his hand, so that Yan Houde could not hear the voice on the phone clearly.

"Brother Ming Shun, come to my house for dinner tomorrow night, give me a call when you come, and I'll pick you up at the gate!" Mei Mei said cheerfully.

"Okay, I'll definitely go."

Yan Mingshun hung up the phone without saying too much and went back to the dinner table to eat.

"Ming Shun, who's calling? Is it the daughter of the Zhao family?" Yan Houde's heart was like a cat scratching. The voice on the phone just now was vague, and he could only vaguely hear the voice of a girl.

"No, it's just a classmate. Ask me if I can participate in the spring outing." Yan Mingshun said calmly.

Yan Houde was dubious. After watching Yan Mingshun for dozens of seconds, he couldn't find anything suspicious. He thought it was really a spring outing, and sighed in disappointment.

Yan Mingshun raised his lips slightly, and looked at Yan Houde with disdain. A selfish and mediocre man really takes such a father as a shame!

Yan Mingda, who has been depressed a lot recently, suddenly said, "Dad, give me some money too, I don't have enough money to spend!"

"Didn't your mother just give you pocket money? Where did it go?" Yan Houde asked sternly.

Panic flashed in Yan Mingda's eyes, and he pretended to answer calmly: "I bought a lot of study stationery at the beginning of school, and I have to buy materials. The money my mother gave is not enough to spend."

Although Yan Houde belongs to the education department, he has not been at the grassroots level for many years. How can he know what is going on in the school now, and he thought that the younger son really bought stationery and materials.

"Okay, I'll give you another five dollars. I really don't know what's going on at your school, why you have to buy so many materials, and now these schools are too. They have said how many times they want to reduce the burden on students, and they all fall on deaf ears."

Yan Houde muttered in dissatisfaction, but still took out five yuan, and his heart bleeds again.

"Ask your mother for more pocket money in the future," Yan Houde instructed.

After a few more rounds of money, his small vault will be empty.

Yan Mingshun glanced at Yan Mingda suspiciously, Yan Houde didn't know, but he knew that every time Tan Shufang gave Yan Mingda more than five yuan in pocket money, sometimes even ten yuan, how could the school start Will it run out in a few days?

Yan Mingda happily took the money, how dare he ask Tan Shufang for money, he spent ten dollars in less than a week~www.readwn.com~, it's no wonder he doesn't doubt it.

In the evening, Yan Mingshun went to his brother's room specially, Yan Mingda was doing his homework, Yan Mingshun didn't ask him, just opened his stationery box, the pen was old, the pencil was only a small part, and he didn't even see one. Ruler and Triangle.

How can such worn-out stationery be bought new?

He obviously used the leftovers from last semester, so where did Yan Mingda's money go?

Yan Mingshun did not ask any further questions, but went out quietly, intending to find an opportunity to follow him in the future to see what he was doing!

After school the next day, Yan Mingshun was going to go to his warehouse to pick out a painting of Bada Shanren, and then go to the fruit store to weigh a few pounds of fruit, but he didn't think so, he was blocked by Mei Shuhan as soon as he walked out of the gate of No. 1 Middle School. .

"Ming Shun, what happened to Mr. Wu's house? Why has the head teacher of our class changed? Mr. Wu has not come to class, and his family lives with other people. Do you know what happened?"

Mei Shuhan asked a series of questions and was very anxious. He couldn't find anyone else to ask, so he could only come to Yan Mingshun.

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