80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 595: Tentative

The atmosphere became stagnant, and she looked at the two of them in horror, one was her father and the other was Mingshun brother. Of course she hoped that they could play happily!

Didn't we have a good chat just now?

Why did you turn around all of a sudden?

"It's okay, your dad is joking."

Yan Xinya patted her daughter on the back and comforted her in a low voice. It was pitiful to see that she was so frightened.

Zhao Yinghua wasn't actually joking. His words were half-truths, and he meant to test Yan Mingshun. Except for the annoying thing about always pestering his daughter, he was really impeccable, but he had to try a few more times. Just do it.

Real gold is not afraid of fire, whether it is iron **** or fine steel, you can see the true shape after a few tries. He has to strictly control for his daughter and keep those scumbags out of the door!

Although Yan Mingshun knew that he would probably anger Zhao Yinghua like this, he still had to say that he knew that the status of Tong Meimei was 108,000 miles away, and he was not in a circle at all. Because of this, he I would like to distinguish more clearly.

Just for his poor self-esteem!

He didn't want others to think that he became friends with Meimei because he covets the status and things of the Zhao family!

"Uncle Zhao, I know that I am not qualified, and I am very grateful to Uncle Zhao for sending me ginseng. I also know that I am too ignorant to say this, but I still want to say that ginseng is ginseng, and eyebrows are eyebrows. These are two different things. If Uncle Zhao has to be confused, then I would rather not have ginseng."

Yan Mingshun apologized on his face, but what he said was firm and firm, and no one could refuse. He put the ginseng on the table and moved it towards Zhao Yinghua, but he really didn't intend to ask for this ginseng.

Zhao Yinghua raised his eyebrows, but he had the same admiration for Yan Mingshun. The young man is crazy enough, and he has a bit of his style back then!

"You returned the ginseng to me, what should I do about your grandmother's illness? Don't you feel too impulsive to do this?" Zhao Yinghua asked.

Yan Mingshun said sternly: "I don't think I can find 100-year-old ginseng, it's just a matter of time."

Yan Xinya hurriedly stood up with a smile, she moved the ginseng to Yan Mingshun's side, and glared at Zhao Yinghua again, it's really disrespectful for such an adult to make trouble with a child!

"Ming Shun quickly put away the ginseng. Your Uncle Zhao is joking with you. Since this ginseng was given to you, it is naturally yours. How can there be a reason to take it back? As for ginseng and Meimei, of course, it is not the same thing. My eyebrows are priceless, let alone 100-year-old ginseng, even a thousand-year-old is not qualified to compare with my daughter.”

Yan Xinya's words lightened the atmosphere, Zhao Yinghua rubbed her nose and agreed with a smile, "That's right, my daughter won't change anything, she's going to eat a piece of pork ribs, let's eat more meat~www.readwn.com~ look Your little arms and calves are so thin, hurry up and eat more!"

Zhao Yinghua served Meimei diligently, and kept silent about what happened just now, as if the previous black-faced Bao Gong was just everyone's illusion!

Yan Mingshun also accepted it as soon as it was good, accepted the ginseng, and thanked again.

Meimei lowered her head and pinched her thick waist again, looking at the pile of meat in the bowl with a heartbroken, if she continued to eat like this, she would definitely become a little fat girl.

"Dad, I will eat less meat and more vegetables in the future. You can eat the meat in the bowl yourself!"

The meat in the Meimei bowl was caught in Zhao Yinghua's bowl. Don't eat anything more, she doesn't want to be a little fat girl at all!

Zhao Yinghua persuaded Meimei several times, but Meimei just didn’t want to eat it, she was very firm, Yan Mingshun looked amused, took a piece of beef with sauce for Meimei, and said, “Meimei eats beef, the beef has no fat, it’s all muscle fibers, you can’t eat it. You will gain weight, and your nutrition will be good!”

Eyebrows brightened, beef won't gain weight?

She must eat it!

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