80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 6: stomachache

There were quite a few teachers from No. 1 Middle School on the road, they all smiled and said hello when they saw Wu Yue: "Yueyue is out of school?"

"Yueyue's dress is so beautiful, and your mother's hands are so clever. You must ask your mother for advice when you come back!"

"Yueyue is getting more and more beautiful, I will come to my aunt's house to play later!"

These family members or teachers all chatted with Wu Yue enthusiastically, and invariably forgot the Wu Mei behind Wu Yue, maybe they didn't see it, maybe they saw it, but they didn't pay attention to Wu Mei.

Even Wu Zhengsi and his wife didn't take their young daughter seriously. How could they, outsiders, have so many feelings to pay attention to an unlikable girl!

Wu Yue smiled sweetly, and responded very decently and politely. She didn't look like a fourteen-year-old child at all. In comparison, it was no wonder that Wu Mei, who was unpleasant and unremarkable, was compared to dust by her. in.

Wu Mei doesn't care about these things. In her life, she just wants to do two things, one is to live freely, no longer in the eyes of unexpected people, and no longer care about the pitiful care of those so-called relatives, and the other is to take revenge , what Wu Yue and Mei Shuhan owe her will be paid back in this world!

She raised her head slightly, through her long scattered hair, Wu Mei looked coldly at Wu Yue, who was smiling beautifully in front of her. The corners of her lips were slightly hooked, she looked beautiful? sensible? Clever…

Didn't you, Wuyue, rely on these labels to get along like a duck?

Then she will tear off your Wuyue label bit by bit, and see how this **** can live without these perfect labels!

Wu Yue finished chatting with everyone, her cheeks were a little sour, and her heart was a little irritable. These vulgar people asked the same questions every day, nothing new at all. It was a waste of her expression and saliva.

"Meimei, let's go faster, we have to go to Grandpa's place at night, so don't be late!" Wu Yue turned her head and said softly, looking like a good sister.

Someone laughed and said, "Yueyue, your grandfather's family is going to celebrate Teacher's Day together tonight? Your family is the real scholar!"

Wu Yue smiled reservedly and looked at Wu Mei with a bit of sternness in her eyes. Today, this idiot doesn't know what's going on, but he even played a small temper with her. He really started to be mean after three days without scolding, and so on. When I would go back, I told my mother that Wu Mei was criticized by the teacher again today. She only got 8 marks in the math test, ranking first in the school and counting down.

Wu Mei felt disgusted when she looked at Wu Yue's pretending to be elegant. She rolled her eyes, squatted down with her hands on her belly, and groaned in pain: "Sister, my stomach hurts and I can't walk anymore. Carry me?"

Wu Yue stared blankly at Wu Mei, who was half-kneeling on the ground. She couldn't believe her ears. The fool sister actually made her carry her on her back?

God, isn't this fool really stupid?

Wu Yue was annoyed, but in front of so many outsiders, she had to pretend to be a good sister, so she had to hide her impatience and walked to Wu Mei, and asked with concern: "What happened to Mei Mei? Wasn't it okay just now? "

"It hurt a little bit after school, but when my sister pulled me away quickly, it became more and more painful, ouch!" Wu Mei's voice was actually very sweet, sweeter than maple syrup, sweet to the core of a person.

The expressions of the onlookers were a little surprised. They never expected the voice of the younger daughter of the Wu family to be so charming. That's right, although a twelve-year-old girl really can't match the charm, Wu Mei's voice is indeed charming. It's heart-wrenching.

And everyone looked at Wu Yue with some doubts. In the past, Wu Yue was always regarded as a good sister who took care of her sister, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. My sister started to have a stomachache as soon as she got out of school. Walking so fast with my sister is not just careless!

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