80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 64: pity

Yan Mingshun didn't know where he got this patience, but he would explain to Wu Mei the idiot questions of elementary school students again and again, and the target was a scumbag with a really poor IQ.

"Do you understand?"

Yan Mingshun's voice was not as cold as before, and he was a little hoarse. He talked too much, and his throat was on fire.

Wu Mei nodded hesitantly. In fact, she still didn't understand a little bit. Although she could memorize every word of Yan Mingshun's explanation, she just couldn't understand it together.

"Understood, thank you bro Mingshun, I'm going home to do my homework, goodbye bro Mingshun!"

Wu Mei felt embarrassed, she was too unsatisfactory, and wasted so much precious time for the future pillars. She waved at Yan Mingshun, walking as heavy as a thousand pounds, and even more resented for her stupid brain.

It's no wonder that He Biyun always scolds her that she can't even compare to a pig. She is indeed inferior to a pig!

Pigs can still sell meat, what can she do?

Wu Mei moved forward step by step, with a sad expression on his face. The excitement when he just came back from his rebirth was completely replaced by depression. Yan Mingshun was quite a sense of accomplishment. Teaching scumbags is really not an easy thing. It can be seen that Wu Mei is like a concubine Back, he always felt that it was not a taste, there was a strange feeling.

"You show me the calculation of the problem just now."

Yan Mingshun stopped Wu Mei, Wu Mei's heart sank, and his mind quickly recalled Yan Mingshun's previous calculation process, but the more anxious he was, the less he could remember.

"Don't you understand yet?"

Yan Mingshun knew what was going on when she saw her tearful appearance. The little girl dared not understand it yet. This is simply...

From birth to the present, Yan Mingshun has never been frustrated like this. He has a clear goal and a very purposeful way of doing things, and he is not affected by the people or things around him at all, so he can do anything very easily and with ease.

But for the first time, he met Waterloo at Wumei. In his opinion, even a mentally retarded child could understand his explanation, but how could Wumei...

"Brother Mingshun, I understand a little bit, I can make it when I go back and think about it, don't bother me!" Wu Mei was a little flustered, she was worried that Yan Mingshun would hate her because of this, and that she was stupid as a cow.

Yan Mingshun thought it was funny, this little girl was even less courageous than his family's Ah Huadu. He didn't say anything, and the tears came out again. Yan Mingshun didn't feel annoyed, but he felt pity for Wu Mei.

Because she is not liked by her parents, she is always worried that others will not like her. This is a kind of extreme inferiority complex. Such a child cares about the opinions of others, and would rather be wronged than trouble others. According to this psychological book, he thinks Wu Mei fits very well.

"I didn't bother you, don't think about it, go home quickly, and if you still don't understand, ask Mr. Wu." Yan Mingshun tried his best to slow down his voice, not wanting to scare the frightened girl in front of him.

Wu Mei's eyes darkened, Wu Zhengsi would definitely say let her ask He Biyun, and then He Biyun scolded her severely, and might even be beaten.

"Goodbye, Brother Mingshun."

Wu Mei also smiled, waved his hand again, and turned back to the family building. Wu Zhengsi and the others should be back soon.

Yan Mingshun did not ignore the sadness in Wu Mei's eyes, the sadness that didn't match her age. At that moment, he suddenly understood the helplessness in Wu Mei's heart at this moment, he sighed Zhen Mei, and turned to walk back.

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