80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 699: I have money

The money and goods were delivered with one hand and the other. In less than an hour, the hilltop of Mo Boqiang's house became Yan Mingshun. Mo Boqiang and his wife went home with five hundred dollars in satisfaction.

The village chief, the accountant and others all ate at Mo’s house. The village chief was about the same age as Uncle Mo. After a few sips of wine, he began to sigh and complain.

"It's good that Ming Shun bought these trees. These are passed down to us by our ancestors. How can you say that you just cut them down!"

The village chief sighed heavily. Mo Boqiang's family was not the only one who wanted to chop down trees in the village. Today's young people are too impetuous and always want to make a lot of money.

The pecan tree was handed down from the ancestors. How could it be useless? If it is useless now, it does not mean it will be useless in the future. Maybe the pecan tree will be able to make a lot of money in a few years!

Meimei listened to the complaining of the village chief, and secretly admired it. Sure enough, it was a master among the people. She only knew from her previous life experience that this village chief was truly unique.

"Ming Shun, are you still buying a mountain top? I'll contact you if you want." The village chief suddenly asked.

Mo Zhiyuan hurriedly said: "What are you buying? It's enough to buy one at such an expensive mountain. If you buy so many, you can't eat it when you come back, so don't buy it!"

His eyebrows glared in anger. This Mo Zhiyuan was the person with shallow eyelids that the village chief said. The broken hills he bought now will be invaluable in the future. No amount of money can buy them.

Yan Mingshun asked, "Why do people still want to sell it?"

The village chief sighed again, "People in the village are jealous that other villages make money by raising silkworms, and many people want to cut down the mulberry trees, but they won't listen to me and say that I'm blocking their way of making money, alas. , I have no choice, Mingshun, if you still have money, buy all these hills, watching these trees cut down makes me sad!"

The village chief wiped away tears and sighed as he spoke.

Xiong Mumu shouted without thinking: "Buy it, you have to buy it, you can't let these people chop down trees!"

The little fat man nodded. He was even more uncomfortable than the village chief. He just couldn't see these flowers, trees, or small animals being abused, and they couldn't act on TV.

His mother always laughed that he was Xue Pan's body and Sister Lin's heart!

Mo Zhiyuan angrily shouted at them, "Don't talk nonsense, children, buy, buy, buy, you pay? You really don't understand!"

Xiong Mumu pointed to the eyebrows and said, "My sister has money, so let my sister buy it!"

Yan Mingshun shot him with a knife in the eye, and Xiong Mumu collapsed immediately. He didn't dare to say a word. He didn't know what to do.

Intuit not to live up to expectations!

When Meimei heard that there were still so many people to sell, UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn't help but be overjoyed, looked over eagerly, Yan Mingshun saw her eyes and knew that the girl wanted to buy again.

Although I don't know why Meimei wants to buy so many mountains, Yan Mingshun didn't ask. Since Meimei likes it, I will buy it. When the time comes, I will build a log cabin on the mountain, and I can live on the mountain in my spare time. taste.

"What I want is just asking Uncle Biao to help me deal with the price. It's too expensive and we can't get that much money here." Yan Mingshun said with a smile.

The village chief was overjoyed and nodded again and again, "Don't worry, I'll tell you right away, but Mingshun, can you really spend so much money?"

Thousands of dollars, how did Yan Mingshun get so much money?

Yan Mingshun pointed at Meimei and said, "Of course I don't have it, but my friend has it. She also wants to buy this mountain. The village chief doesn't have to worry that we won't be able to get the money."

Meimei straightened her back and said confidently: "Yes, my family is rich, only a few thousand dollars, it's not enough for me to buy a piano!"

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