80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 701: Love House and Wu

After staying in Mojia Village for three days, they set off back to Tianjin City. Both Xiong Mumu and Wu Chao were reluctant to leave. It is estimated that they would not have any problem with them staying for another month. Children from the city would see nothing in the countryside. Grandma entered the Grand View Garden.

Grandma Mo loves Wujiwu, and she definitely likes what her baby grandson likes. Her eyebrows are especially good. Knowing that they were leaving, she even made a big bucket of rice milk, boiled a big pot of rotten red beans, and steamed sugar overnight with her aunt. Yang bean cake.

This kind of snack is not a specialty of Mojia Village, but is from the family of Grandma Mo and Auntie Mo, which is also the hometown of the four beauties of Xi Shi. There are many special snacks in the place where beauties are produced. Tangyang Bean Cake is one of them.

A week before the Half-Ghost Festival in July every year, the locals grind rice milk to boil red beans, steam delicious tangyang bean cake to worship their ancestors, and it is also a gift for relatives and friends, but later, it gradually evolved into a special snack. , it is steamed all year round, and you can even buy it in the breakfast shop.

But at this time, steaming bran and bean cakes is a very grand event. Usually, several families steam together, one burns the fire, and the other steams the cake. Put gauze on the bamboo basket, pour a spoonful of rice milk, and put it in Steam over high heat into rice skin, then pour in a thick layer of boiled red beans, steam for a few more minutes, then pour another spoonful of rice milk, steam over high heat until fully cooked, and serve.

The finished product is about the size of a washbasin, one inch thick, the upper and lower surfaces are white rice husks, the middle is brown red beans, bite down, QQ, sweet, and rustling red beans, especially delicious.

Grandma Mo steamed about 20 pieces and kept busy until the middle of the night. They had bean cakes for breakfast. Both Xiong Mumu and Wu Chao ate a whole piece, and they hiccups on the way back.

The unhappy Meimei dropped three drops of potion in the water that Grandma Mo was drinking, hoping that the old man could live well.

Because the old lady was kind to Yan Mingshun, she was willing to be kind to the old lady.

Grandma Mo left a few pieces to eat at home, and the rest were taken away by Meimei. There were more than ten pieces, a basket full, heavy, just like the old lady's love for Yan Mingshun.

The old lady took them on the tractor with red eyes, and Yan Mingshun's eyes were also slightly red, because after leaving, he would not be able to come back for a long time.

Grandpa and grandmother are very old, and it is really rare to see each other once!

Meimei whispered in his ear, "Don't feel bad, Brother Mingshun, your grandparents will definitely live a hundred years."

Yan Mingshun smiled slightly, but did not take it to heart, thinking that his brows were nothing more than auspicious words.

Meimei didn't say much. Facts are used for eloquence. When Grandpa Mo and Grandma Mo live to be a hundred years old in the future, Yan Mingshun can't help not believe it.

When he got home, the frowning Zhao Xuelin scolded his **** head, "Why did I tell you, let you stay for one night and come back, but you are good, you stay for three days, you are so happy! "

Meimei knew that she was wrong, and didn't refute a word, let him scold, Zhao Xuelin scolded a few words, in the end he was reluctant, but he had to find a place to vent his anger, and the two hapless Xiong Mumu and Wu Chao suffered.

On the phone, Zhao Xuelin scolded the two of them to the point of being suspicious of life, and didn't even dare to give a fart.

The time to go to Kyoto has been set. On July 10th, there are still three days left. On this day, Yan Xinya took Meimei to go shopping, planning to buy some local specialties, and let Meimei and the others bring them to their parents-in-law.

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