80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 69: completely cold

Yan Mingshun left the Wu family, holding the book "Yuewei Caotang Notes" in his hand. In fact, he didn't like to read such strange novels. Just because he was in a hurry, he just said the title of the book casually. Wu Zhengsi especially likes to study ancient prose. , there will definitely be books like this at home.

He casually flipped through the book, there were dense annotations in it, Wu Zhengsi's upright writing on the blackboard was pleasing to the eye, and Wu Mei's face smaller than his slap appeared in front of Yan Mingshun's eyes, pitiful, yet so stubborn.

This girl is really stupid. She knows that she will be beaten after eating the vegetables, and she has to go to the eggs to touch the stones.

Otherwise, I will borrow her book of thirty-six strategies in the future to see how much I can learn.

Yan Mingshun quickly dismissed this idea again. With Wumei's IQ, I'm afraid he can't understand the profound knowledge of Thirty-Six Stratagems, and he can't even understand how to get out of the water and into the water. How do you ask her to understand Wei Wei's rescue of Zhao Mingxiu's plank road?

Thinking of the helplessness of explaining the topic before, Yan Mingshun shook his head and stopped thinking about Wu Mei. It was really strange why he couldn't help but think about this poor little bastard.

He Biyun put away his smile as soon as Yan Mingshun walked out of the door, looking at Wu Mei with disgust, and scolded: "Who told you to come out and show shame? Get me into the house, don't be annoying in front of me."

Wu Mei's body hurt so badly that she could feel the pain even just breathing. She didn't look at He Biyun, she was completely cold-hearted towards this mother, and now she even suspected that she was not He Biyun's biological daughter, otherwise how could her heart be more cruel than her stepmother?

"Dad, I want to buy a pen, can you give me some money?"

The purpose of Wu Mei's appearance was money, Mei Shuhan's five cents must be paid back, and her pen was used by Wu Yue, and the nib probably fell on the ground and became forked, and the strokes she wrote were particularly thick. , can't even fit the grid.

When He Biyun heard the money, he became angry, "Why do you buy a pen? Didn't your sister use it for you? You know how to spend money all day long. Do you know how hard it is for me and your dad to earn money?"

Wu Mei also looked at her, her voice was calm: "The pen Wu Yue gave me is bad, and the words I wrote are not good-looking. The teacher told me several times that I should get a better pen."

"You're not good at writing? You can't write well on your own. Even if you give you a golden pen, it's useless. If you can pass the exam like your sister and come out first in the whole school, you will buy ten pens for you!" He Biyun Cursing, refusing to give money for anything.

Wu Yue smiled and said, "Don't be angry, Mom, I have two pens, I'll take one for Meimei later."

"Good, if your sister is half sensible, I would laugh in my dreams." He Biyun looked at her eldest daughter lovingly, with a smile on her face.

Wu Mei said coldly: "Why do I have to use what Wu Yue doesn't want? The ragged clothes and shoes she doesn't want to wear, the ragged pens that she doesn't want to use, and the dishes that she doesn't like to eat are all accepted by me. , Wu Yue is your own, could it be that I was picked up by you? If so, you will send me to the orphanage."

He Biyun was so angry that his face was blue, and he rushed up to slap Wu's eyebrows and slaps, Wu Zhengsi glared at her, He Biyun had to stop and curse: "Old Wu, listen to what this little white-eyed wolf said, I worked hard. Having brought her up so hard, and having such a humiliating grade in the test, I don't know how to repent, and I still have the face to complain?"

Wu Zhengsi's eyes flickered a bit, but he soon recovered his calmness, and glared at He Biyun again, He Biyun had to shut his mouth and stared at Wu Mei bitterly.

"Mei Mei, your condition has been very abnormal these past two days, what are you thinking in your heart?" Wu Zhengsi slowed down his voice.

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