80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 715: I can't wait to strangle you

Yan Houde was so angry that Yan Mingshun, who was a traitor, turned black in front of his eyes, and his body trembled slightly, which made people very worried about whether he would have a brain hemorrhage!

Tan Shufang's complexion changed greatly, and she screamed: "Your mother herself is a short-lived ghost, what does it have to do with me? Houde, look at how this little red guy talks, and do you still consider me an elder!"

Yan Mingshun's eyes were slightly cold, he picked up a cup of cold tea from the table, and poured it on Tan Shufang, splashing her face with tea foam all over her face, and she was embarrassed.

"Do you dare to swear to God? My mother's death has nothing to do with you? Don't think that no one knows about the immoral things you did back then. My mother is seriously ill and lives in the hospital, but you and him are fooling around at home. More than that, you even ran to my mother to show off the adultery between you and your concubine, Tan Shufang, why are you doing this? Don't you have the black heart of wanting to anger my mother? "

Yan Mingshun said one sentence after another, and it was impossible to talk about Shufang's breathing. Both Mr. Yan and Grandma Yang's faces were ashen. They didn't expect that Yan Mingshun knew all about it!

The reason why the two elders didn't like to see Tan Shufang was because this woman was shameless and vicious. It could also be said that Tan Shufang was the murderer who indirectly killed Yan Mingshun's mother.

Tan Shufang felt a little empty in her heart, but she still insisted: "It's inexplicable, your mother is a short-lived ghost, and I was with your father when she died, Lao Yan, please say something, look at this little boy. How is the red guy no big or small!"

The old man Yan scolded angrily: "Shut up for me, get out of here and stay there, I don't have the right to speak!"

Tan Shufang was stunned, extremely angry, and shouted: "Why don't I have the right to speak? You taught a good grandson, see what he did to me, is this the proper attitude towards elders?"

Yan Mingshun said coldly, "What kind of elder do you think I am? You are my mother-killing enemy. If it wasn't for murder, I would have strangled you and asked you to go underground and bring tea and water to my mother, and kowtow to admit your mistake."

Tan Shufang was frightened by the familiar and unfamiliar young man in front of her, she shivered violently, and the chill in her heart welled up.

Looking at Yan Mingshun's gleaming eyes, she realized that the step-son, who was usually inconspicuous in the family, was not a lamb she could handle, but a wolf who could kill.

"Old Yan, your son is crazy, he is a lunatic!" Tan Shufang said in horror.

Although Grandma Yang was also taken aback by the unfamiliar grandson, she was eager to protect her calf. When she heard that Tan Shufang had slandered her grandson, she jumped out of anger and gave Tan Shufang a slap.

"Fuck your mother, you are a lunatic, if you dare to fart, go back to your own house for me!"

Where is Tan Shufang's temperament of being beaten honestly? She used to tolerate it because she was afraid of Yan Houde's anger, but now she is about to be driven mad by Yan Mingshun, and she believes that it must be these two immortals who have spoken ill of her in front of the **** since childhood. This will make Yan Mingshun hate her to the core.

Otherwise, when that **** died, Yan Mingshun was less than two years old, and he didn't even have a memory. How could he know so clearly?

Tan Shufang glared at Grandma Yang angrily, "You are the one who farts, right? If you hadn't said bad things about me in front of the little red guy, this little guy would treat me like this? Why is your old man so disrespectful to me? You Your heart is so vicious!"

Grandma Yang was so angry that she kept shaking. Although she didn't like Dan Shufang, she never said anything bad about Shufang in front of Yan Mingshun.

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