80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 717: Pleasure and hatred

However, Mr. Yan and Grandma Yang felt very guilty. They felt guilty about their ex-daughter-in-law Mo Wenxiang and Yan Mingshun. Of course, they knew that their son was sorry for Mo Wenxiang. !

But now this inferior thing is their own son, what can they do?

The only thing they can do is to give up their old face and wipe their son's buttocks against their conscience. When facing the sad and angry Mo family, they can only choose to protect their son, even if they have a bad relationship with the Mo family.

But in the past ten years, they have always endured the condemnation of their conscience, so they doubled their goodness to their eldest grandson, and did not allow Yan Houde and Tan Shufang to come to the house often, out of sight and out of mind.

But they didn't expect that the eldest grandson, who has been silent all the time, has been investigating the events of the year. No wonder Yan Mingshun is always lukewarm to Yan Houde!

There is hatred in my heart, how can I be affectionate?

Yan Mingshun looked at the second old man who couldn't straighten his back because of guilt, and his heart was also very uncomfortable. He actually blamed his grandparents for what happened back then, because in their hearts, his mother was always an outsider and couldn't compare to them Son Yan Houde.

So no matter how bad Yan Houde is, they will still stand by their son, and his mother is just a victim, and no one will sympathize with her!

But grandparents are really kind to him, much better than Yan Mingda. Although the main reason is based on compensation psychology, he can feel the sincerity in it.

Sooner or later, he and Yan Houde will stand on the opposite side, and the harm to the second elder cannot be avoided. Although he feels guilty, he will not stop.

Because this is what the Yan family owes the fuck, Yan Houde and Tan Shufang have planted the evil fruit, they must swallow it by themselves!

"You owe my mother your life, do you think it's over? I tell you, it's not over!"

Yan Mingshun looked directly at Yan Houde and Tan Shufang, there was not a trace of warmth in his eyes, it was colder than ice, he said word by word: "My mother and my son, the revenge of killing my mother is unbearable, the debt of the year, I'll get it back little by little!"

Yan Houde and Tan Shufang were immersed in the ice cellar, shivering from the cold.

They never expected that Yan Mingshun hated them so deeply, to the bone marrow!

Yan Houde was an old fritter in the officialdom, and he quickly regained his calm. He scolded inwardly, "Bastard, what is the revenge for killing your mother? Whoever is talking nonsense in your ear, your mother died of illness and has nothing to do with us. , I think you are a demon!"

"Does it matter that you know best in your own heart, people are watching, do you dare to pat your chest and say this? Or do you dare to swear to God that you and this woman didn't have an affair back then? As long as you swear, if you If you lie, you will never be promoted, then I will believe you!"

Yan Mingshun looked at Yan Houde with a sarcastic smile, and when he saw his confident face just now, he immediately became frightened, his smile deepened, and he made no secret of his contempt for Yan Houde.

"You don't even dare to swear, why are you so shameless in front of me? Aren't you afraid that my mother will come to you in the middle of the night? You are not qualified to take care of my affairs, and you can't take care of it. You should take care of the black gauze hat on your head first. Bar!"

Yan Mingshun didn't want to talk nonsense with the dogs and men, so he went back to his room after speaking, feeling inexplicably relieved.

Meimei is right, it is indeed more pleasant to be happy and grudge!

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