80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 721: 3 misconceptions

The old lady and the old man got into a fight in the living room. The old man wanted to watch a war movie, and the old lady wanted to watch the sunset a few times. The two old men were fighting in front of the TV!

"What's so good about fighting, you haven't fought enough back then?"

The old lady said dissatisfiedly, her contempt for the war movie Wang Zhi was not real at all. How could a war look like this, you can tell at a glance that the filmmaker has never fought a war.

Mr. Zhao raised his beard and shouted: "No matter how bad it is, it is better than these love and love. What does it look like on TV? How does this kind of TV pass the review? Everyone gets paid and doesn't work. !"

The old lady roared furiously: "Will you let me go? Don't blame the old lady for being rude if you don't let me go!"

"Don't let me! I'm afraid you won't succeed!" The old man raised his chest without flinching.

The old lady was about to die of anger. Seeing that the sunset was about to start a few times, if the old man continued to make trouble, the key plot would not be connected. The anxious old lady stretched out her hand to push the old man, trying to get the annoying smelly old man away. .

It's just that the old man, whose body has been well conditioned, is as steady as a mountain, motionless, tired of the old lady, panting, and anxious to vomit blood.

Meimei was so happy to see that she hurriedly stepped forward to pull the two old men away, otherwise the two old men would definitely fight.

"Grandpa, we have to give priority to ladies. You are a general. For the trivial matter of watching TV, just let me breastfeed!" humming.

"Good men don't fight with women, I will let her this time, I'll go listen to the radio!"

The old lady also snorted, and hurriedly tuned to the channel of the sunset red several times. The time was just right, just in time for the old lover of the hero He Mutian and the heroine Li Mengzhu to gather.

To say that Qin Han and Liu Xuehua were really handsome and bubbling when they were young, even though one played a scumbag and the other played a mistress, they still made Meimei hate it.

The old man said to listen to the radio, but his buttocks didn't move at all, he watched the TV without blinking, and he kept talking.

"What kind of **** are you filming, a man has a wife and is still messing around outside. This woman is also a bitch. Knowing that she has a wife, she has to join in, his mother's pair of dogs and men!"

The old man scolded more and more vigorously, and his voice became louder and louder, almost overshadowing the sound of the TV~www.readwn.com~ The old lady's face became darker and darker, He Mutian was her old man's idol, how could the old man be slandered !

"This is true love, you know the shit! Go out of my way by talking nonsense again!" the old lady cursed.

"Old woman, you are not authentic. I used to say a few words to other women, and you chopped it down with a knife. Now this **** is messing with his wife behind his back, but you are really in love!"

The old man remembered the past, and his anger rushed up again. He was a hero, but the reputation of 'ear raking' has followed him for a lifetime, and his old face has been thrown into the crotch of his pants.

The old lady stalked her neck and shouted, "Just watch TV, why do you mention what happened back then?"

Seeing that the two old men were about to fight again, Meimei sat between them and separated the two old black-eyed chickens.

"Grandma, I have to stand on Grandpa's side this time. This TV is a three-pointed view. Grandpa is right, a pair of dogs and men!"

Brows are gnashing their teeth, under the guise of true love, men start chaos and abandon, and women hook up with married husbands, all are not good things, just like Mei Shu Cambrian in the previous life, dog men and women!

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