80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 725: hemorrhage

Zhao Xueer turned his grief and anger into strength, wrote like a fly, strove to write, and quickly rewrote an agreement, but——

"Third brother, did you spell it wrong? We are half percent, not one percent!"

Zhao Xuelin saw something was wrong at a glance, and looked at Zhao Xuerer suspiciously.

Zhao Xue'er's troubled heart twitched again, and the pain was so painful that he couldn't breathe. He glared at his brows again, and said angrily: "Yes, the other half was given to you by me."

When the younger sister is so generous, if he, the elder brother, does not bleed, what majesty will he have in front of the younger brothers in the future?

Besides, he can't get on with his face!

It's all the fault of this stinky girl, I know that I can't make an introduction with this stinky girl, let's not talk about the danger, and I have to go bankrupt, two parts, it hurts him!

Zhao Xuelin and the others didn't feel embarrassed about the gift from Zhao Xueer, and they accepted it with peace of mind, "Thank you, third brother, if there is something to say in the future, we have no money but the strength, and it's definitely no problem to help."

Zhao Xueer ripped off his face, smiled but secretly slandered, how could he not be hired for so much money, does he need you little **** to work?

Her brows covered her mouth and snickered, her third brother was bleeding profusely this time, which is really rare!

The next morning, Meimei pretended to go to the bank to withdraw money, but she actually took it out from the space of the ball. Thousands of pieces can be piled up into a hill.

Meimei gave Zhao Xueer 10,000 yuan, but he was so happy that he held Meimei around for several times, and ran to the restaurant to sign a contract, and it would be open for this summer vacation.

Zhao Xuerer also had doubts, and planned to take the time to ask Zhao Xuelin, where did the little cousin get so much money, and if there was any way to make money, he would have the cheek to let the little cousin get rich with him!

Meimei and Xiong Mumu and Wuchao did not go home, but went to the department store to buy a TV. Yesterday they promised the old man, and today they will naturally fulfill their promises.

However, the variety of TV sets in the department store is very simple. Most of them are black and white TV sets, and there are no color TV sets. I asked the salesperson and said that color TV sets have to be reserved.

Meimei, who was accustomed to watching color TVs, saw these black and white TV sets. She went to another department store~www.readwn.com~ The situation was the same, and they were not in stock. At this time, she really realized that in her hands. It's like having money but not having a store.

It is no wonder that all business people in this era have made a fortune, and the supply is less than the demand.

"Why don't we buy a black and white TV, your grandparents' old TV is also black and white!" Wu Chao said.

"What's so good about black and white, there's no color at all, it looks boring." Xiong Mumu strongly objected.

She also thought the same way. She thought about it for a while and ran to the public phone booth to call Yan Mingshun. There is no stock in Kyoto, Yan Mingshun must have it, and it is definitely right to ask Mingshun brother if there is something.

Yan Mingshun was about to set off with his luggage on his back. He and Grandma Yang said they were going on a trip, but the two elders didn't say anything, only told him to pay attention to safety.

Hearing the crisp voice on the phone, Yan Mingshun's lips couldn't help rising, "No problem, I should be there in three days, I will choose it myself."

The two old chiefs who are more important than Lord Taishan want to watch TV, how can he be neglected, he must choose the best color TV in the store!

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