80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 741: just garbage

Xiao Se shrugged, "He is cramping every day, when is it normal!"

There was a nod between her brows and her eyebrows. She used to say that her father had a hole in her head, but she didn't quite believe it. Now that she saw the room full of magic horses, she finally believed it a little bit.

This Mr. Xiao's brain is probably not very normal!

At this time in Huaxia, the ghosts knew about abstract paintings, and even mainstream painters were very repulsive of foreign cultures, so they naturally disliked abstract paintings. Xiao Jingming did not know what he wanted to do with this exhibition.

"Don't look at it, I already said it's all junk, there's nothing to see, let's go, go back to my house and eat egg tarts, Aunt Suzi bakes them fresh."

Xiao Se was impatient to look at her Lao Tzu's painting, and was about to leave with a frown, and the congested Meimei didn't insist on looking at the painting anymore.

"Thurse, you can't say that. We just don't understand it. We can't say that Mr. Xiao's paintings are not good."

Meimei really didn't want her friends and her biological father to be so stiff, so she patiently persuaded them.

Xiao Se looked impatient, "It's just rubbish. I said in front of him, what kind of things he painted, and the people who bought his paintings are blind."

"This little classmate is really insightful. He can see the trashy nature of these paintings at a glance. The future generations are terrifying!"

Suddenly there was a burst of laughter and footsteps behind him.

Meimei and Xiao Se turned around and saw a group of reporters approaching. There were more than a dozen people who didn't look like reporters. Most of them were old people. The first one was a thin old man with a mountain beard. He didn't look like a good person. .

Among them, there are two acquaintances with eyebrows, Zheng Shilin and Ruan Huacai, who have not seen each other for two years.

The person who spoke was a thin old man walking in front. At this time, he was looking at Meimei and the two of them with a smile on his face. It seemed that this old man should be the leader of their group.

Xiao Se's complexion changed slightly, he stretched out his hand to cover his face, and shouted unhappily, "Who told you to shoot me? Stop shooting!"

Meimei also doesn't like being photographed by people, but she knows that it's useless to say this now, so she should go back to the adults, whether it's the Zhao family or Miss Feng, as long as you say hello to the TV station and newspaper, these media will not dare to mess around Send photos.

The thin old man was stunned for a while, as if he did not expect Meimei and the others to react like this. Ordinary children should be shy or proud when they are interviewed by reporters?

How could it be so excluded?

"These aunts and uncles are all reporters. They want to ask you some questions. Don't be afraid!" The thin old man tried his best to squeeze out a kind smile.

Meimei ignored him, dragged Xiao Se and was about to leave, but I didn't know when there was a large group of people around, and there was no way to get through, and they couldn't squeeze out at all.

"We don't want to answer any questions, stop taking pictures, or I'll sue you for violating your portrait rights!"

His eyebrows were drawn into his face, and his voice was fierce.

Everyone was stunned by the eyebrows and the others, who reacted very differently from ordinary people. Who cares about portrait rights these days, and they would like to be interviewed by TV stations!

Zheng Shilin and Ruan Huacai had already recognized their brows at this time, their brows were wrinkled, and they whispered something in the ear of the thin old man, and the thin old man also frowned.

It's no wonder that she is not young but she is not young. It turns out that she is the little princess of the Zhao family!

When the thin old man's mind changed, he thought of a better idea, and looked at Meimei with determination to win.

This little princess is not good-natured. He has not forgotten what happened two years ago. Let this little princess be the gunman today!

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