80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 745: Infernal Affairs

Shan Hezheng was attacked in turn by the two little girls Meimei and Xiao Se, who made him speechless and lost his face.

Zheng Shilin and Ruan Huacai did not stand up to say a word for him, nor did they remind Shan Hezheng that Xiao Se was Xiao Jingming's daughter.

Xiao Se's appearance is too conspicuous, even after two years, Zheng Shilin and Ruan Huacai still recognized them at a glance, but they couldn't make a sound. Gotta be tougher!

Shan Hezheng smiled reluctantly, and said deliberately, "Haha, children today are really powerful, much better than we were back then!"

Some other people followed suit, trying to ease the awkward atmosphere as much as possible, looked at them coldly, and suddenly said: "Character is a painting, a person with a bad personality can never draw a good painting. Do you think I'm right, sir?"

The smile on Shan Hezheng's face disappeared, and what annoyed him the most was that someone would presume his character in front of him!

What is the use of this thing?

Can it be used as food or as banknotes?

People do not kill themselves for their own sake. When interests are competing, character is a piece of shit. When it is time to stab a knife, it must be stabbed, and it must not be soft!

He Shanhe Zheng was able to get to where he is today because of this truth!

"Of course, the little girl is right. If you want to learn to paint, you must first learn to be a person. This is what I have always taught my students. How can you draw well if you can't do well?"

Shan Hezheng quickly regained his smile, and he was indeed a thoughtful old fox.

Meimei glanced at Zheng Shilin and Ruan Huacai again, smiled sarcastically, and said deliberately, "Mr. Shan is indeed a master of noble character. I think Mr. Shan's paintings must be quite good!"

But Xiao Se was very dissatisfied with what his friend said, decided to correct Meimei's mistake, and said loudly: "Meimei, you are wrong, this surnamed Dan's paintings are not very good, no one buys his paintings, it must be his paintings that are not good. Well, it means that her character is not very good, and people with good character will come to my dad to ruin the game?"

Shan Hezheng rushed to the throat with a mouthful of old blood, and held it back abruptly, the smile on his face could no longer be maintained.

The reporters were excited~www.readwn.com~ they stretched out the microphone and asked Xiao Se: "Are you Mr. Xiao Jingming's daughter?"

Xiao Se snorted coolly and said "yes" briefly, but did not notice that in the crowd, a middle-aged man with a long body and a jade stand smiled with relief, and his eyes were full of smiles when he looked at her.

But Meimei saw it and wanted to say hello, Xiao Jingming stretched out his hand to compare his lips, Meimei hurriedly closed his mouth, and secretly complained, these two father and daughter are really real, they clearly care about each other, but they want to be with the enemy Like!

At this time, a reporter asked Xiao Se: "What do you think of Ling Zun's paintings, Miss Xiao?"

Xiao Se scratched his scalp and said impatiently, "Didn't you hear what I said just now? I can come and see it if it's not good? If this old gentleman holds an art exhibition, I won't even go to see it if he gives me a hundred yuan for free! "

Shan Hezheng's face was ashen, he already regretted coming here today to smash the field, people are not as good as heaven, how did he know that Xiao Jingming's daughter would actually play infernal affairs with him here, good you Xiao Jingming!

Xiao Se was impatient to deal with these reporters. After saying a few words, he raised his eyebrows and wanted to leave. The reporters probably knew that there was nothing to ask, so they stopped pestering them and went to interview others.

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