80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 748: never see you again

Xiao Se's emotions that had been suppressed when he saw Xiao Jingming's female assistant finally exploded when he saw Miss Feng's two male assistants who were like walking hormones.

She didn't even look at her father and mother, and rushed out angrily, frowning.

Meimei couldn't resist Miss Xiao, who had been practicing kung fu since she was a child. She staggered and followed, and turned back to Xiao Jingming and Miss Feng and said embarrassedly, "Uncle Xiao, Aunt Feng, Shuse and I are going home first, goodbye!"

"See you again? Never!"

Xiao Se roared loudly, and his footsteps accelerated. Where did Mei Mei dare to pluck the hair on the head of the tigress, and he didn't dare to fart, so he obediently followed Xiao Se out.

The news here immediately attracted reporters with a keen sense of smell. When they saw Xiao Jingming and Miss Feng, they rushed over like a chicken blood.

The first couple, who were going to chase after them to explain to their daughter, had to put on fake smiles and deal with these reporters.

Xiao Se ran to the small shop near the art museum and filled three bottles of ice soda in one go, and his face became better.

"Go home!"

Xiao Se hiccupped, gritted his teeth and pushed the bicycle, obediently following him with eyebrows and silent.

At this time, she finally understood why Xiao Se was so stiff with her parents!

These two are really...

While Meimei sympathized with Depression, she also secretly rejoiced that her parents were quite reliable, although sometimes the numbness was a bit unbearable, but there was no comparison to know whether it was good or bad. , her parents are really serious!

She also wanted to comfort and comfort her friends who were hurt, but when Xiao Se returned home, she was like nothing, eating eggs made by Aunt Suzi, drinking fragrant black tea, and teasing pets, not to mention Miss Xiao. How comfortable.

As if it was another person who had a blast in the art gallery just now!

Meimei saw that she didn't force a smile, but she really didn't care, so she went back in peace.

Xiong Mumu's body has made great progress under her conditioning. Although the cold this time is menacing, it is not as good as before, and she will be able to get out of bed and move around within two days~www.readwn.com~ It's just that the cough still doesn't help.

Zhao Xue, but they are all too busy to touch the ground, decoration, recruitment, training, etc., all have to be done within a month, time is money, one day later, they have to lose a day's money, can you not worry!

Meimei also helped with a plan. Although she did not understand business history, she was a frequent visitor to KFC in her previous life. She pointed out many details that were ignored by Zhao Xue and them.

The brothers of the Zhao family were full of admiration for their eyebrows.

Meimei felt guilty when she heard the praise from her brothers, but she denied it several times, but Zhao Xue and they praised it even more. She had to accept it shamelessly and pretended that it was Yan Mingshun's teaching. The man who may be his future brother-in-law is even more curious.

On the sleeper carriage of the train from Tianjin to Kyoto, Yan Mingshun dragged out the latest 21-inch color TV from under the bed. He was about to enter the station, and he had to prepare his luggage first.

Except for the color TV, Yan Mingshun didn't bring anything else, just a light bag with a few changes of clothes, and the rest was cash and passbooks.

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