80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 750: no sweet words

Eyes rubbed sore, Meimei was finally convinced that she was not hallucinating, she shouted happily, dumped the car and ran out.

"Brother Ming Shun, why did you come to Kyoto? Did you make that call just now?"

A series of questions were asked, chattering like a group of sparrows were calling, but Yan Mingshun didn't feel annoyed at all, smiled slightly, only pampering and tolerant in his eyes.

"I'll send you a color TV."

Yan Mingshun didn't tell the truth, he had to give the little girl a big surprise, it would be boring to say it in advance.

Her brows were as sweet as honey, and she gave him a coquettish look, "Why are you so stupid? The post office can send parcels, why bother to come here in person, it's so hot!"

"The post office is too slow, I deliver it myself, and I also want to come to Kyoto to see it."

Yan Mingshun said seriously, Meimei didn't hear the answer she wanted to hear, disappointment flashed through her heart, and she couldn't help pouting.

Hate, can't say a few words to coax her?

Is it that hard to think of her?

Yan Mingshun felt the girl's grief and asked, "What's wrong with Meimei?"

"It's okay, the sun is too hot, Brother Mingshun, let's go in quickly."

Meimei is still very happy on the whole, Yan Mingshun sent her color TVs all the way, what else is there to be content with?

Of course, it would be icing on the cake if Yan Mingshun could say something sweet!

Yan Mingshun picked up the color TV and prepared to go inside, and put an umbrella on Meimei intimately, but he didn't hit it at all, and Meimei moved the umbrella towards him with a sweet heart.

"You also block yourself, the sun is very poisonous."

Yan Mingshun didn't care, the umbrella was still on the eyebrows, "I don't need it!"

What is there to stop him, a big man, he is worried that his skin is too pale, and he wants to get a little tan!

One of them was carrying a large cardboard box, the other was pushing a bicycle, and they were close to each other. Under the scorching sun, there were two figures, one long and one short, and they overlapped with each step. It was a beautiful painting.

Huang Yulian's mother and daughter walked in through the door. The two years had little effect on Huang Yulian. She was still a graceful half-old milf, but she looked more rounded, but her skin was firmer and smoother~www .readwn.com~ looks very young.

Ouyang Shanshan has grown a lot taller, her face has also grown, her facial features are more three-dimensional, and the baby fat on her face has also faded away. When she was a child, her apple face turned into a melon seed face, and she was much more beautiful than when she was a child.

The two mothers and daughters do not live in the compound, because the old lady of Ouyang's family doesn't like Huang Yulian, nor does she like her granddaughter. Huang Yulian's husband, Ouyang Xiangming, is the second child in the family, with a sandwich biscuit, naturally at home. no status.

A few years after Ouyang Xiangming and Huang Yulian got married, they moved out of the compound and moved into the unit's dormitory, but Huang Yulian was very good at camping, and always showed a close relationship with her father-in-law and mother-in-law to the outside world. Every weekend They will go back to the compound and let their daughter Ouyang Shanshan stay overnight.

Because of this, Ouyang Shanshan and the children in the compound had a good time. You must know that these children are not ordinary children. Which one's family background can make ordinary people pop out of their eyes!

Huang Yulian's purpose is also like this, she has to let her daughter get to know the future high-ranking officials from an early age, so that her Shanshan's road will not be as bumpy as hers.

"Mom, who is the man next to Zhao Mei? He looks pretty good." Ouyang Shanshan pointed to the front and said.

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