80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 752: 10,000 times prettier than you

In front of the old lady, she was still able to make excuses with this nasty woman. Now that the old lady is not here, she doesn't even want to do anything to save face, so she looks at it.

Huang Yulian secretly hated, huh, now let you be arrogant, you will suffer later!

"Mei Mei's temperament is quite strong. I still remember what happened two years ago. That incident was that your sister Shanshan was not in the team. Your sister Shanshan has already apologized, so don't be angry!"

Huang Yulian said amicably, when a middle-aged woman passed by and greeted Huang Yulian. The other party was also a family member living in the compound, and she had a very good relationship with Huang Yulian.

"Oh, look at these two sisters, they are so beautiful that they are like real sisters. I didn't know that, I thought you gave birth to two daughters, Yulian!"

This woman exaggeratedly said, and she stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, making a shy look, which was more disgusting than Huang Yulian.

Huang Yulian smiled smugly and said deliberately, "Sister Xu, don't say that, if Meimei is really my daughter, I will laugh in my dreams!"

The brows and the brows are so nauseous, the most annoying is that these women deliberately put on the air of their elders and say some disrespectful things. If the child is angry, the child is impolite. Other adults will accuse the child, and the adults who talk nonsense are casual. A joke is enough.

She is not a real child, and she will never endure these two disgusting women.

"So, Mrs. Ouyang, don't daydream. I'll repeat it again. My surname is Zhao and your daughter's surname is Ouyang. Our two families have nothing to do with each other. Don't talk to me in the tone of a self-righteous elder in the future!"

Meimei said with a cold face, seeing that the smile on Huang Yulian's face disappeared, she vented her depression.

She looked at Sister Xu, who had a shocked face, and said sternly, "I also trouble you to wear glasses and go out in the future. Don't talk nonsense without seeing everything clearly. Where do I look like Ouyang Shanshan?"

Sister Xu was taken aback by the sudden onset of eyebrows. She never thought that the always good-tempered little princess of the Zhao family would be so fierce.

She faltered and said: "This... I... I look quite similar. You all have melon-faced faces, and you all have big eyes and high noses. You are all beautiful!"

Meimei pointed at Ouyang Shanshan, who was unconvinced, and then pointed at himself, "Aunt Xu~www.readwn.com~ You shouldn't have presbyopia, right? Look carefully, I'm an authentic melon face, this is a fake Can the fake and shoddy version be compared?"

"Her eyes are as big as mine? Not at the same level at all!"

"And her nose is obviously a flat nose bridge. Mine is an authentic nose with a gallbladder. Does this look like it? What do you look like, auntie?"

Every time Meimei said, the faces of Huang Yulian's mother and daughter turned dark, and Ouyang Shanshan was so angry that she gritted her teeth, forgot her mother's teachings, and scolded loudly: "Zhao Mei, you are the one with the flat nose. I'm blind, I'm a hundred times more beautiful than you!"

At this time, some family members came out. Seeing that the little princess of the Zhao family and the youngest daughter of the Ouyang family met, they hurriedly surrounded them. Seeing that it was actually two girls who were comparing the beauty, they couldn't help laughing.

Meimei snorted, looked at the sky, and dismissed Ouyang Shanshan, but what she said was maddening.

"You're deceiving yourself, I'm 10,000 times better than you!"

Yan Mingshun couldn't help laughing when he saw it, especially wanting to pinch the face of the arrogant little princess, this small appearance is really tickling.

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