80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 755: calm down Yan Mingshun

Yan Mingshun looked at the puffy brows, couldn't help laughing, and comforted: "Don't be angry. If you meet someone like this in the future, don't be angry again, remember to stay calm."

"I can't do it. When I see this mother and daughter, I will be angry. It's as disgusting as Wu Yue. How can I calm down!"

She said with a big eyebrow, and she acted like a spoiled child, just to let Yan Mingshun coax her well.

It's just that the future chief will know everything, but he won't be able to talk sweetly!

Yan Mingshun also patiently persuaded her: "Meimei, you have to calm down when you are angry, now you are not a child of an ordinary family, but a little princess of the Zhao family. Every word and deed are watched by countless people, you can't make a mistake, you Do you understand me?"

Meimei was a little unhappy about Yan Mingshun's refusal to coax herself, but after listening to Yan Mingshun's words, she despised her childishness extremely, and really regarded herself as a child, she was really ignorant at all.

What Yan Mingshun said is absolutely right, she really can't act on her spirits now. Don't look at the Zhao family's fire and oily flowers, but when the moon is full, the water is full, and the Jia Mansion in the Dream of Red Mansions is a living example!

That's why Mr. Zhao has always been strict with his children and grandchildren. The rules are more severe than ordinary people's rules, and the punishment is also the same. The princelings of other families are all playing crazy, and there are even people who openly provoke the law, although the family's The adults came forward to keep them safe and sound.

But there is a saying that it will be paid back sooner or later when they come out, Meimei is not optimistic about these people at all, who knows when they will fall into the pit!

However, Zhao Xue and his brothers have always kept themselves clean. Of course, it is not to say that they have cut off contact with those people. This is not realistic.

Everyone is in the same circle. If you act too aloof, people in the circle will definitely ignore you and isolate you in the end. After all, the Zhao family has not yet reached the top of the pyramid!

Meimei is not particularly clear about the circle of friends of several brothers, but she knows Zhao Xue and they all have their own small circles, and they often get together. They should be those friends in the circle.

What Mr. Zhao asked of them was that they could not join forces, but they could not stand alone, and they had to get along with those people.

Because she is a granddaughter, the old man didn't ask her anything, he just let her play how she was happy, and he told her that everything would be covered by his old man.

But of course she couldn't go outside and smear the Zhao family. On the contrary, she should be more cautious in her words and deeds. Today, she is indeed Huang Yulian's plan. Fortunately, Yan Mingshun is there.

"Brother Mingshun~www.readwn.com~ Fortunately, I have you!" Meimei raised her head and said.

Yan Mingshun smiled gratified and patted her head gently, "Good!"

Soon after arriving in front of the Zhao family compound, Meimei asked Yan Mingshun to come into the house to see the old lady, but he refused. Today is not suitable for meeting the Zhao family, it is too casual.

"Don't worry, I will live in Kyoto for a while. Meimei will first ask your grandparents for their opinions. If they agree, I will visit them again."

Yan Mingshun explained the reason why he didn't go in. The other party was the old chief he respected. He couldn't be like visiting ordinary people, and he had to show the most respectful attitude.

Meimei thought it made sense, so she stopped insisting and asked where Yan Mingshun lived.

"The convenient guest house not far from here can be reached by one bus stop."

"Then I'll find you tomorrow morning!"

Meimei said happily, Yan Mingshun also smiled, and the paws that had been held for a long time finally stretched out, pinching the girl's plump cheeks, and was instantly satisfied.

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