80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 75: full of vigor

Although she slept late at night, Wu Mei, who had done bad things successfully, slept very peacefully. She slept until dawn and was refreshed. On the contrary, Wu Yue, who went to bed early, kept yawning, her face was pale and listless.

"Yueyue, study is important, and you should also pay attention to your body. Go to bed early tonight!" He Biyun was very distressed and handed the hot milk to Wu Yue.

Wu Zhengsi also said: "Study and Yi must be combined, Yueyue, don't stay in the house all day, you can exercise properly."

"I had a nightmare last night." Wu Yue was weak, and now she is not sure whether it was a dream last night or it really happened.

How could Wu Mei have the courage to kill her?

It must be a dream, right?

Wu Mei is very proud, you bastard, if you are bright, I will be in the dark. I will scare you to death tonight and make you doze off in class every day. How will you be the first in the exam in the future?

She drank the hot milk in one gulp. The current milk is indeed a product of conscience. It is fragrant and strong, and the taste is just right. In the future, if you want to drink such pure milk, you can only go to the grassland to drink it!

Wu Mei finished the meal last night, He Biyun took out 50 cents and handed it to Wu Yue, "Yueyue, go to a restaurant for lunch, don't go hungry!"

When Wu Mei saw He Biyun's appearance, she knew that she didn't think of herself. She stretched out Bai Shengsheng's hand and said loudly, "Mom, where's my lunch?"

He Biyun's temples began to twitch again, and her headache was splitting. She didn't sleep well last night, her eyelids were blue and black. Seeing Wu Mei, the debt-paying ghost, her head hurt even more, and her chest was stuffy.


He Biyun's face was gloomy, and she took out 20 cents and stuffed it into Wu Mei, giving Wu Mei a dime more than usual, but Wu Mei was not satisfied, she took the 20 cents and said, "Mom, you gave my sister five cents, and I only gave me five cents. Two corners, why give me less triangles?"

Wu Zhengsi was peeling the egg shell. Hearing this, he looked at He Biyun sternly. He was very dissatisfied with his wife's petty temperament, but it was only a few cents.

He Biyun received Wu Zhengsi's dissatisfaction, so she had to find out another triangle of money and stuff it into Wu Mei, which made her head hurt even more. The severe overrun this month completely broke her financial plan. Originally, she planned to save money to replace the black and white TV at home with one. Color TV, let the dead girl make trouble, this plan can only be shelved.

Wu Mei finished eating two meat buns in three bites, then added a boiled egg and a glass of milk. Her stomach was very full. She rolled her eyes and reached out to grab three pickled buns, ready to eat lunch. She can save money.

"What are you doing with so many buns?" He Biyun scolded.

"I'm not full yet, I'll eat slowly on the way."

Wu Mei shoved the buns into her schoolbag, put the schoolbag on her back, and walked out. When she walked to the door, she turned her head and said loudly, "Goodbye, Mom and Dad!"

Wu Zhengsi was very satisfied with Wu Mei's vigor, he smiled and nodded: "Well, goodbye, be careful on the road!"

He Biyun snorted softly, turned to look at the haggard Wu Yue, and secretly planned to buy an old hen stew this weekend. Yueyue must have been too hard and tired from studying, and she had to make up for it.

Wu Mei, who has two yuan and five yuan wealth on his body, is in a particularly happy mood, and he greets people when he sees people in the corridor:

"Mr. Zhang, good morning!"

"Mr. Wang, good morning!"

"Good morning, Grandpa Hu!"


Just like a little flower sparrow, who doesn't like a beautiful and cheerful girl, the teachers and family members of the family building felt strange about the change of Wu Mei, but they all responded to her with a smile.

"The little girl from the Wu family is really handsome and has a cheerful personality. If I had such a handsome girl, I would make her new clothes every day!" Most of the women had the same idea as Mrs. Zhang.

Everyone else nodded and said yes, Wu Mei's appearance is needless to say, I didn't know who killed Qiandao before and said that the little girl in the Wu family is ugly, what a wicked ghost!

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