80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 767: on the soup

Now is his and Meimei's alone time, irrelevant people go away, and no one can disturb them!

As soon as he entered the room, Yan Mingshun put his eyebrows against the wall, supported the wall with both hands, and circled his eyebrows. The hot eyes made her have nowhere to escape. Of course, she didn't want to escape.

Why is she running away, she just wants to be banned by her dear brother Mingshun and never be separated!

But Yan Mingshun's eyes were too warm, not as calm as usual, but full of desire and wildness, making her heart thump thumping and panic.


Yan Mingshun's voice was also hoarse, as if he had been suppressed for a long time and was suddenly released.

He said it against the eyebrows' ears, the heat made her neck and earlobes itchy, and it was very hot, and her skin was pink, making people want to lick it.

Of course Yan Mingshun did this, how could he still hold back?

The warm and slippery tongue gently licked the girl's earlobe, brows like a frightened rabbit, trembling slightly, and buried her head in Yan Mingshun's arms, so good that it makes people feel distressed.

Of course, Yan Mingshun couldn't satisfy Yan Mingshun by licking it. He began to expand the range. The girl had an intoxicating fragrance, and the taste was sweeter than the most mellow wild honey, which made him want to stop.

"Mei Mei, you are so sweet..."

Yan Mingshun murmured in her ear, his voice was even more hoarse, just licking can't satisfy him anymore, Yan Mingshun's desire became stronger and stronger, he raised the girl's soft chin, and the girl's eyes had been obediently closed. Now, the long eyelashes are like fans, trembling constantly.

"be good!"

Yan Mingshun chuckled lightly, unable to restrain his desire any longer, he supported the girl's head with one hand, and put the other hand on her waist, lowered his head and covered the place he had met yesterday. Taste the petals.

This time, he didn't stop at it like the first time, but like a violent storm, he plundered wildly, absorbing the honey juice that could quench his thirst.

But these sweet honey juices are like drinking poison to quench thirst. He can't get enough. He wants more. He knows how to completely quench his thirst, but he can't do it now.

His girl is too young!

Meimei's head started to heat up again, she didn't know what to do, she just subconsciously responded to Yan Mingshun's kiss, put her hands on his thin waist, and leaned her back against the wall. Legs slide down softly.

Zhao Xuelin and the others were all sneaking around outside the door, wanting to hear the movement in the house, but they didn't even hear a sound.

"What are they doing in the house? Why didn't they speak?" Zhao Xuelin had thousands of ants scratching his itch in his heart, which made him anxious.

Zhao Xuegong tried to find a crack in the door, but his eyes were almost cross-eyed, but he found nothing.

"That stinky hooligan won't be mean to the little sister, right?" Zhao Xuehai said something that suffocated Zhao Xuelin's heart, and he broke into the door without even thinking about it.

Lonely men and widows live together in the same room, his little sister is so beautiful and so innocent, how could Yan Mingshun, a stinky hooligan, not be deceitful?

"Who are you? What do you want to do? Come with me!"

The administrator of the hostel called by the cleaners came over, and he took away Zhao Xuelin and several others without saying a word. This is to treat them as thieves!

Yan Mingshun heard the movement outside clearly, smiled with satisfaction, and continued to kiss his girl.

He is not at all interested in Meimei's proposal to go shopping. Compared with shopping, he is more willing to share the two-person world with Meimei in the house. He can't kiss a girl sweeter than honey.

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