80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 777: Yan Mingshun's pride

Zhao Xuelin watched with great interest Yan Mingshun molesting his four silly younger brothers. He had long seen what this kid was up to, but he would not take the initiative to remind the silly younger brother, how interesting it is to watch the play!

The old man who also watched the big drama was very angry. For the first time, he thought that his grandchildren were stupider than pigs. He couldn't see such obvious molestation, and his brains were eaten by dogs!

But the old man forgot that the authorities are obsessed, and bystanders are clear!

Yan Mingshun looked indifferent, smiled at Zhao Xuehai, who had rolled his eyes, and then stretched his chopsticks to the elbow meat. This time it was peaceful, and those mischievous guys were already helpless.

"The elbow meat is really good, do you want Xuelin to eat it?"

Yan Mingshun also deliberately raised the meat and asked Zhao Xuelin, who was annoyed and resentful, and got eight big white eyes.

At this time, Zhao Xuelin and the others also came to their senses. They knew that they had caught Yan Mingshun's plan, but they were too impulsive and overestimated their stomachs.

Yan Mingshun took a piece of lean meat for Meimei, and said with a smile, "Your brother and the others have eaten all the fat, and the rest is lean meat, so eat more Meimei."

Zhao Xuelin was so angry that he burped loudly, feeling that his mouth was full of oil, which made him tired to death. There were three others who felt the same way, and they were so tired that they were about to vomit.

Meimei took the lean meat and deliberately stabbed a knife into the hearts of the four brothers, smiling sweetly: "It's delicious, you can eat it too, Brother Mingshun, there's really no fat at all, my brother and the others really eat it. clean."

Yan Mingshun felt warm in his heart. Although the Zhao family didn't say anything, he could still feel the innate sense of superiority in them, which was the kind of feeling that Xiong Mumu used to dislike the most.

Everyone in the Zhao family has them, only Meimei does not.

This sense of superiority made him feel very uncomfortable. Of course, he knew that it was not Zhao Jialin's fault. They lived in a top family like the Zhao family since they were young. They can't control themselves.

It can only be said that he is too sensitive, and he does not want to be used by others to speak to himself in such an attitude of superiority, and he is not willing to admit defeat in front of these people.

Of course, he has confidence in himself, he is better than many people, and he dares to fight more than others. He will definitely rely on his own efforts to climb to the top step by step~www.readwn.com~ and he will try his best to Shorten this time.

The atmosphere was a little stagnant for a while. In order to smooth the game, the old lady gave Yan Mingshun a fried small steamed bun, and smiled kindly: "Xiao Yan eats small steamed buns, don't you like them?"

Yan Mingshun smiled and thanked him. He frowned slightly when he saw the fried small steamed buns. Of all the foods he disliked the most, fried foods were unhealthy and not necessarily good in taste. He actually said that on purpose just now. Just to tempt Zhao Xuelin and the others.

But this is from Grandma Meimei. Even if you don't like him, you have to eat it. Yan Mingshun was just about to eat it when the little steamed bun was caught by Meimei.

"I just want to eat a small steamed bun. Brother Mingshun, give it to me. You can eat other dishes." Meimei bit the little steamed bun in one bite and winked mischievously at him.

The old lady said angrily, "There's still something on the plate, why did you put it in Xiaoyan's bowl?"

"The plate is too far to reach out."

Meimei's words attracted dissatisfied eyes from the old lady. It was really impolite to put dishes in the bowls of guests, so I had to talk about my granddaughter later.

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