80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 783: Prince Nalan

The phone was quickly connected. It turned out that Miss Xiao's face was still big enough. After just talking about it for a while, the editor-in-chief asked Miss Xiao to fax the article, and said that she happened to be free now, and an hour later Just reply to her.

After faxing the article, Xiao Se smugly raised his chin and raised his chin, stunned.

"Thurse, you are amazing. I will come to you for anything in the future."

Meimei was full of praise, and she was very happy to praise Miss Xiao, and said that she would definitely stick a knife to her friends and go through fire and water!

The editor-in-chief's reply came very quickly. It didn't even take half an hour, and the other party called. The voice sounded very excited and asked Xiao Se who wrote the article.

Xiao Se couldn't remember what the little fat man was called, so he looked at Meimei.

"Young Master Nalan." Meimei thought of a pseudonym, not Wu Dalang, who was called Little Fatty in the previous life.

After being with Little Fatty for so many years, she knew that Little Fatty was actually very concerned about her height and body shape. She wanted to come to his previous life to get Wu Dalang for herself. Behind the seemingly free and easy, there must be a lot of helplessness and inferiority!

The editor-in-chief was puzzled. In her impression, she had never heard of an author named Master Nalan. Could it be that she was too ignorant?

Xiao Se is very smart, just a little guess to know why the editor-in-chief is confused, and reminds: "Master Nalan is only fifteen years old, he is a first-year student, this article is his debut, Aunt Jia, what do you think of the writing? ?"

When Meimei heard the exclamation from the phone, she and Xiao Se laughed smugly together. What she liked most was the shocked performance of these adults.

Let them look down on children!

"It can be published completely. I have made some changes in some places. I will fax it now. Please ask your friend to polish it up, and it will be published next week." As for the strength, Xiao Se just fell asleep and sent the pillow.

Xiao Se was very calm, but asked seriously: "Aunt Jia, how is my friend's article calculated? How many words are there?"

The editor-in-chief is also very generous, and gave the price of one hundred words. The little fat man's article is about 1,500 words, which means that he can get 15 yuan for the manuscript fee, which is not too low. After all, many people now write The salary is only a few dozen yuan!

Xiao Se frowned~www.readwn.com~ was not too satisfied with the price, the editor-in-chief on the other end of the phone hurriedly said: "Thurse, you have to understand Aunt Jia, your friend is only a newcomer, generally the price set by our agency for newcomers It's all between 100 characters and 50 to 80 cents, and one dollar is already given for your own sake!"

"Then let's start with a dollar. After a while, my friend will become an old man. At that time, Aunt Jia, you will calculate it according to the old man's price."

Xiao Se is also very good at talking, and he was finalized in a few words, with his eyebrows covered and his mouth snickering.

She could imagine the expression on the editor-in-chief on the other end of the phone, it would never look better than constipation.

"Take it and change it for the little fat man, and bring it back after he has made it."

Xiao Se threw the revised manuscript to Meimei, and ignored it. He grabbed the ice cream that Aunt Suzi had just made and started licking it.

"Thank you Thurse, I'll invite you to eat KFC in a few days, and I'll introduce you to a friend then!" Meimei was very happy.

"Boyfriends can meet, women are exempt, I don't have a cold for women." Xiao Se said coolly, with a look of respect and insensitivity.

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