80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 786: dog hole

Yan Mingshun intentionally stayed at the top of the wall for a while, and sure enough, the four Tibetan mastiffs appeared again, their green eyes were particularly conspicuous in the dark, and those who saw them panicked.

This time Yan Mingshun was not afraid at all. He took out a sausage from his bag and threw it down. The four big dogs did not eat it immediately, but sniffed the sausage for a long time. Snatched.

Yan Mingshun was secretly delighted, and threw another sausage down. The big dogs scrambled again and ate happily. The meat thrown by this guy who climbed the wall was more fragrant than the meat they usually eat. It was delicious!

Taking advantage of the big dogs rushing for food, Yan Mingshun quickly slid down and threw a sausage at the big dog.

As the saying goes, eating people has a short mouth, and the same is true for dogs. The four ferocious big dogs were a little embarrassed to block Yan Mingshun again, but they were released collectively.

"Thank you, I'll give you another sausage!"

Yan Mingshun threw it away and completely subdued the four big dogs. He began to look at the surrounding environment and walked towards the bright light. Not long after he entered, two ghostly people came out of the hole in the wall.

The big dogs who smelled the unfamiliar smell began to growl, surrounding the eyebrows that got in first, showing their fierceness.

Meimei was so frightened that her legs softened, but she saw that the big dogs were just surrounding her and didn't pounce on her, so she felt a little more at ease when the sound of Qiuqiu came from her backpack.

"Master, don't be afraid, with me and Xiaocha, they dare not move."

Meimei patted the **** in her backpack with her backhand, and her heart became more at ease. The bleak behind also got out of the hole, her face was covered with grass, and she was so angry that she scolded.

The four big dogs soon smelled the familiar smell, whimpered happily, kept wagging their tails, and each one rushed to Xiao Se to beg for a hug.

Xiao Se was also very happy to see the old friends. After making out with them for a while, he walked in with familiar eyebrows, but their luck was not very good. Just after walking a few steps, he saw a pair of anxious Men and women rushed over, kissing and touching, and at a glance, they knew they were going to do something bad.

"Now you know, as long as you get out of this hole, it's impossible to see it or not." Xiao Se spread his hands, and climbed up the nearest osmanthus tree with Meimei to admire the live **** palace.

This Yan Mingshun entered the hall, here and outside are simply two worlds~www.readwn.com~ splendid, luxurious and intoxicated, from time to time well-dressed men passing by with their arms around heavy makeup women, the smell of alcohol is suffocating.

Yan Mingshun suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, no matter how capable he was, he was just a big boy with little social experience, and he didn't know how to start!

"Who did you make an appointment with, sir?" A gorgeous middle-aged woman came over, and a fragrant wind rushed over her face, making Yan Mingshun just want to sneeze.

Yan Mingshun had an idea and said, "Brother Cheng asked me to come here. He has something for me to do."

"Are you under Brother Cheng? Why haven't I seen you before?" The gorgeous woman looked at Yan Mingshun suspiciously.

"I'm new from Brother Cheng. It's normal that you don't know me. Where is Brother Cheng, please take me to see him. If you go late, Brother Cheng will be angry." Yan Mingshun's expression was calm, his eyelids were closed. Blink.

The gorgeous woman was dubious, but she didn't dare to believe it. If it was true, if the matter of Brother Cheng was delayed, she would have to walk away without food.

She clapped her hands and called the waiter, "Xiao Nan, take him to Lanyuan to find Brother Cheng."

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