80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 800: afraid

Furthermore, it was because the place where she and the man met was in the clubhouse, a small world of its own. Even if she died, there would be no police to deal with. Of course, the man would not care who her granddaughter was, anyway. Unconsciously, when the time comes, she will not admit her account, or she will be killed in the clubhouse, and no one will know!

Thinking of such a possibility, the back of Meimei's heart oozes cold sweat, and she is even more glad that Yan Mingshun appeared there. Sure enough, Brother Mingshun is the unparalleled hero sent by God to save her!

Meimei also thought of a possibility that the man had a grudge against the Zhao family. She did not ignore the disdain and indignation in the man's eyes when he heard her grandfather's name.

Obviously, even if this man has no hatred with the Zhao family, it is still a hostile relationship. Meimei comforts herself, thinking that as long as she doesn't go to the club again, she will never meet this man again, and she will return to Tianjin soon. City, let alone see this man, there will be no problem, relax.

Aunt Suzi made delicious pudding to calm them down, and baked some cookies. Food always soothes the soul. After eating delicious pudding and cookies, her eyebrows and blemishes became much calmer.

Yan Mingshun remembered Ouyang Bin who he had met in the room before, and asked Meimei, but Meimei didn't know much about the situation in Kyoto, or she knew better.

"The capital's surname is Ouyang, and there is only that one who is qualified to go to the clubhouse. This Ouyang Bin should be the eldest grandson of the Ouyang family. This guy is not a good thing." Xiao Se's eyes were full of disgust. She had heard of Ouyang Bin before. , a disgusting scumbag.

Meimei asked subconsciously, "What is the relationship between Ouyang Bin and Huang Yulian?"

Xiao Se shook his head, "I don't know either, it's not Huang Yulian's son anyway."

Meimei glared angrily, Huang Yulian didn't just give birth to a daughter, Ouyang Shanshan, how could such a big son come from?

She thought of a possibility, "Could it be Huang Yulian's stepson? I heard from my grandma before that it seems that Huang Yulian's current husband already has two sons, both of whom are quite old."

Xiao Se nodded and said, "It is possible that Ouyang Xiangming is several years older than Huang Yulian, and his son and Huang Yulian should be about the same age."

Yan Mingshun's heart moved. Nine times out of ten, he determined that Ouyang Bin and Huang Yulian should be the relationship between stepmother and stepson. After all, no son would go to his own mother, right?

Thinking of Huang Yulian's dignified face, Yan Mingshun felt even more disgusted. These women are always like this. They are dignified and generous on the surface, but in fact, they are as good as they can be. Talk to Shufang.

Meimei noticed Yan Mingshun's inner turmoil and hurriedly asked him what was going on. Yan Mingshun said lightly, "It's nothing, it's just that I met this person in the club before, and it didn't feel like a good thing, so I asked casually."

There is no need to tell Meimei about such a disgusting thing as incest, so as not to contaminate her ears.

The man in the clubhouse was carried back to his exclusive room by his subordinates, which also alarmed Brother Cheng, because the guards of the clubhouse reported to him that the four Tibetan mastiffs guarding the manor were killed. These four Tibetan mastiffs belonged to Feng Da. The young lady has a good heart and specially invited someone to take care of her. Now that she died for no reason, the guards were naturally panicked.

Brother Cheng only looked at the wound of the Tibetan Mastiff and knew who did it. No one in the club dared to do it, except Hao Liance, a man who even Miss Feng dared not provoke.

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