80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 802: be honest

Meimei didn't sleep well at night, and she had nightmares all night. In her dreams, the man's disgusting face and his snake-like hands wandered around her...

As soon as it was dawn, she woke up and couldn't sleep anymore, so she went to the back garden in her pajamas, trying to breathe fresh air and wake herself up, but she found that someone was already there in the garden.

Feng Haitang, dressed in red, was sitting on the swing smoking, with delicate makeup and dew on her clothes and hair. It seemed that she had been sitting in the garden all night.

Meimei stepped forward to say hello, Feng Haitang motioned her to sit on the swing too, put out the cigarette, and smiled at her, "Why did Meimei get up so early?"

"Can't sleep, come out for a walk, Aunt Feng, why don't you sleep?" Meimei asked.

"I can't sleep either."

Feng Haitang shrugged, picked up a bottle of red wine and a glass from the side, poured half a glass of wine, and sipped it slowly, frowning, this Miss Feng's living habits are really bad, staying up all night smoking and drinking...

But despite all the trouble, she is still so young and beautiful, God is really kind to her!

"Aunt Feng, drinking on an empty stomach is bad for your stomach. Let me get you something to eat!" Meimei got up and was about to go to the kitchen, but Feng Haitang grabbed her.

"It's okay, I'm used to it. You sit down and I have something to ask you."

Meimei shrank her neck in guilt, she knew that what happened last night could not be hidden from Feng Haitang, and now she came over to ask her for guilt. Feng Haitang saw Meimei's appearance, and her heart sank to the bottom, but she still didn't give up. Ask: "Did you and Thurse go to the club last night?"

Meimei nodded honestly and whispered, "Aunt Feng, I asked Thurse to take me there. It's not about Thurse, don't blame him!"

Feng Haitang sighed. At this time, she was not as flustered as before. It was a foregone conclusion, and it was useless to worry, and she was not a vegetarian. If Heliance really wanted to do something to Thurse, don't blame her for not being so You are welcome, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken!

"How did you get in?"

Feng Haitang is very strange. The guards in the clubhouse didn't see Se Se and Meimei entering. How did these two girls get in?

She is still very convinced of Brother Cheng's ability, not to mention that she is not exposed, but she is also heavily guarded, and it is not so easy to get in.

Under Miss Feng's sharp eyes, she didn't dare to hide her brows at all, and explained the bleak secret channel~www.readwn.com~ Feng Haitang was both angry and funny, she made up her mind to put that dog hole in a while. If it is blocked, it will be blocked when you go back.

No wonder the guards didn't find it, and I don't know how many times Thurse has been there before!

"What happened last night? Meimei, tell the truth with Aunt Feng." Feng Haitang asked again.

Meimei didn't even dare to hide it, she explained everything about their relationship with Heliance. There were some things that were hard to say. Meimei didn't go into too much detail, but she knew who Feng Haitang was when she heard it. It happened, just as she had guessed, and she couldn't help burning with anger.

Heliance, this bastard, is too arrogant, he dares to make trouble in her territory, and the target is her daughter and niece, she is simply lawless!

Do you really think that Kyoto is really the only one who has the final say? Take yourself too seriously!

Feng Haitang asked the whole story clearly. Although she was still a little worried, she felt a lot more at ease. However, she was also very curious. Who the **** made Heliance look like that?

Last night, she almost died of laughter. It was the first time I saw Heliance so embarrassed!

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