80s: Little Sweet Wife

Chapter 807: Yan Mingshun's determination

The old man roared: "What kind of decency is it for you, a little girl, to go to such a place? You have eaten the gall of a bear and a leopard? You are not allowed to spend the night outside in the future!"

Meimei knew that she was wrong, and she didn't dare to let go of a fart. She was disciplined by the old man to a dismal face and tears. !

The old man scolded a few words. Seeing the pitiful appearance of his granddaughter, his heart softened and he stopped scolding her, and he knew that the granddaughter must have been frightened last night, so he couldn't bear to scold her any more.

"Why did Ming Shun run there too?"

The old man settles accounts one by one after the fall, and a young man goes to such a place, what else can he do? The old man was very disappointed with Yan Mingshun. Although Yan Mingshun rescued his granddaughter, one yard is one yard, and a man who likes to visit kilns cannot be trusted for life.

"Brother Ming Shun went there to find someone, he's not that kind of person, don't worry, Grandpa!"

Meimei knew the old man's concerns and defended Yan Mingshun. The old man snorted, but he didn't believe Meimei's words too much. When a man wanted to deceive a woman, sweet words rolled in. He is not as easy to deceive as his granddaughter. Fortunately, now Meimei is old. Still young, whether Yan Mingshun is good or bad, let's keep it for later observation!

After dinner, the old man went out. It didn't look like he was going out to brag and fart, because he was dressed very neatly, with shirts, trousers and shoes, and the buttons were tightly buttoned. .

Meimei guessed that he should go to the big boss. Every time he went to see the big boss, the old man dressed up neatly and showed his respect to the big boss.

One wave has not settled, and another wave has risen. At this time, the gossip about Meimei in the compound gradually spread, roughly saying that Meimei grew up in the market since she was a child, because her adoptive parents are vulgar ordinary people, so Meimei has grown up since she was a child. Not getting a good education.

And his private life is very chaotic. He made boyfriends at a young age, and he made more than one. He also made some more over-the-top words. He said it very viciously.

Everyone is happy to spread these rumors, some people may have ulterior motives, some people are just watching the fun, and they want to see people unlucky!

Moreover, these rumors quickly spread from the compound to the outside, and they spread in their circles, and the more they spread, they said that although the little princess of the Zhao family is young, she has a very rich love history. She has had at least a dozen boyfriends, and even Is it a yellow flower girl, I still don't know!

Meimei didn't know that she was on the cusp~www.readwn.com~ didn't know anything about these rumors, nor did the Zhao family, no one dared to talk to them face to face, and no one would spread these rumors. to their ears.

Yan Ming obeyed the Xiao family and returned to the guest house. He didn't go anywhere. He locked himself in the room and pondered. Heliance's appearance made him even more impatient. He had to shorten the time for the climb, and he couldn't wait any longer!

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Mingshun arrived at the Wangba Teahouse on time. The teahouse was not big. It was a two-story building in a small alley. The staff of the teahouse led him to the second floor, where Brother Cheng was waiting for him.

"sit down!"

Brother Cheng said lightly, and poured him a cup of tea. His movements were like flowing water, and he was very elegant. At first glance, he was a master of tea ceremony.

"Does Uncle Cheng want to ask about Uncle Ming? He is doing well."

Yan Mingshun had already drank three cups of tea, but Brother Cheng still didn't ask him anything, so he had to take the initiative to speak.

"I know he's doing well, and I know you want to be a soldier, but I don't know what your goal is?" Brother Cheng restrained his smile and looked directly at Yan Mingshun.

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